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Call for a national Covid-19 resilience program to maintain the health and resilience of older people


Public health agencies across the UK need to launch a national Covid-19 resilience program to support older people through pandemics and stay healthy and resilient during the winter-this is in the field of physiology. Recommendations from a major group of working scientists and clinicians, nutrition and physiotherapy.

The recommendations will be made in a new report by the Physiological Society and the Center for Aging Improvement, which will be presented at a meeting of the Parliamentary Scientific Committee this Monday (1). The project’s expert panel brought together 20 key scientists and clinicians. (2)

A new poll conducted by YouGov for this project found that one in three older people had less physical activity during the first blockade in March. Forty-three percent said they had no or less reason to leave home and work. 32% were worried about catching Covid-19. And 29% reported lack of motivation to exercise. (3)

Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining good health and resilience. House arrest in the elderly is associated with weakness, increased body fat, and the development of insulin resistance, which contribute to weakness and the development of type 2 diabetes. If inactive is marked, these changes will occur within a few days. This can have dramatic functional consequences for older people, perhaps balancing what they can and cannot do, such as getting up from a chair.

The increased risk of hospitalization, illness severity, and death due to Covid-19 is associated with a high and weak obesity index in the elderly. Therefore, it is essential to support older people who remain healthy during the blockade in order to improve their resilience to Covid-19. The National Covid-19 Resilience Program puts together a set of measures to support older people after the blockade to maintain their health and resilience during the winter months. Governments need to repeat the approach taken at the beginning of the first blockade in March to identify the most at-risk people and actively contact them to provide support and advice (4).

The National Covid-19 Resilience Program must include:

  • A customized exercise program focused on the elderly with the major risk factors for Covid-19 (obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sarcopenia). It can take advantage of existing programs such as “Make Movement Your Mission”. (((http: // www.Facebook.When/group/MakeMovementYourMission);
  • Clear guidance on the importance of a healthy and balanced diet with adequate levels of protein and adequate energy content.
  • Strengthen mental health by creating virtual communities to combat social isolation.
  • With the help of relatives and volunteers, we help older people change their behavior.

This program must be supported by national broadcasters, including through digital platforms and activity classes that air regularly on the BBC.

Professor Paul Greenhuff of the University of Nottingham, UK and Co-Chair of the Expert Panel said:

“England’s second blockade could reduce physical activity for people across the country. Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining good health and resilience, and from the risks of Covid-19. Helps protect.

“Blockade is important to reduce Covid-19 infection, but it can adversely affect the physical and mental health of the elderly. These changes occur rapidly. Within 3 days of not using muscle, people Can experience a significant loss of muscle mass. Quality that may be the difference between whether an elderly person can get out of a chair alone.

“We are calling on public health agencies to address this urgently by launching a National Covid-19 Resilience Program to assist older people through pandemics. Older people cover physical activity. Need clear and coordinated guidance on how to maintain good health and resilience. Nutrition and mental health.

“As the days get shorter and colder, older people are facing this blockade, and we all need to double our efforts to keep them healthy.”

Dr. Alison Giles of the Center for Aging Better and Co-Chair of the Expert Panel said:

“As this report emphasizes, coronavirus blockade can exacerbate a variety of health problems, including cardiopulmonary dysfunction, weight gain, increased loneliness and social isolation, and thus for the elderly. It can be especially difficult.

“When the country enters its second national blockade, we recognize that age-based comprehensive advice can make people feel that they cannot manage their own health and risk around COVID-19. It is important to do.

“The National Covid-19 Resilience Program gives older people more control and guidance on how to take care of themselves as the pandemic continues. We allow people to have their own health and well-being. We need to provide tools that allow us to make informed decisions about, and resilience. ”


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