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Diabetes spreading in India can catalyze chronic illness

Diabetes spreading in India can catalyze chronic illness


New Delhi: Several medical studies have shown that India is rapidly becoming the world’s diabetic capital and that the majority of patients suffer from uncontrolled diabetes. With the onset of Covid-19, these patients also became the worst.

However, Indians are more susceptible to diabetes, from sedentary lifestyles to other medical causes, whether Covid or not. However, after months of blockade and severe air pollution, the situation worsened.

According to a study conducted by the Diagnostic Center, people living in Metrotown are on the verge of developing diabetes. This study evaluated 4,53,854 fasting blood glucose test samples across the age groups collected. The results showed that 24 percent of people with borderline sugar levels across age groups had prediabetes.

The highest prevalence was 68% over the age of 50. This is followed by 24% of the 36-50 age group. The prevalence of the group under 35 years was 8%. The survey was conducted between October 2018 and October 2020 in five cities: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi and Hyderabad.

Dr. Sujay Prasad, medical director of Neuberg Diagnostics, who conducted the study, said that the prediabetes stage was not detected and needs awareness to monitor it.

“Before diabetes, a healthy person goes through the pre-diabetic stage. This stage can be months to years, depending on lifestyle and diet. Pre-diabetes stage. It raises blood levels, but it’s not enough to meet international standards for diabetes. This awareness helps people with pre-diabetes control their sugar content and prevent them from becoming diabetic. “

Dr. HP Bharathi, Deputy Chief Medical Officer of the Jindal Naturecure Institute, warned that 134 million Indians are expected to develop diabetes within the next 25 years. “India is the country with the highest number of diabetics in the 20-79 age group. Of further concern is that 134 million Indians are expected to develop diabetes within the next 25 years. Is to be.

He added that diabetes may not be a life-threatening illness, but it can lead to other chronic illnesses such as pancreatic dysfunction, kidney damage, stroke, nerve damage, and visual impairment.

Dr. Deepak Berma, an internal medicine consultant at Ghaziabad’s Columbia Asian Hospital, said adults with diabetes have a triple risk of having a heart attack or stroke. “Diabetes, coupled with reduced blood flow, can cause neuropathy (nerve damage) in the feet, which increases the likelihood of foot ulcers and infections. Exacerbated infections also cut the limbs. It may be needed. It is also an important cause of eye disease and can cause glaucoma — diabetic neuropathy is an important cause of blindness. In fact, diabetes accounts for 2.6% of blindness worldwide. It will cause, “he added.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anoop Misra, chairman of Fortis C-Doc Hospital for Diabetes, expressed suspicion of the research undertaken. He said such studies were “unscientific and unreliable” and therefore unreliable.

“Such studies lack the credibility of data, methods, statistics, monitoring, ethical consent, peer review, and publication in scientific journals,” he reasoned. But he added that the results of this study were not surprising. “Although the findings are not new, the pre-diabetic figures in scientific studies show somewhat similar findings.

Mithra also said that pollution may play a role in exacerbating diabetes, but further research is needed to confirm it.

Mithra shared tips for managing sugar content, advised to maintain weight, do all sorts of daily exercise, and avoid stress. “Regular health check monitoring is essential. Everyone over the age of 30 should have a blood sugar test, but existing diabetics need to monitor their blood sugar more often,” he said. I added.




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