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Doctors fear that the NHS could be “buckled” under pressure to provide a coronavirus vaccine


The NHS is ready to crack under pandemic pressure-and national vaccination programs could push it to the edge.

It’s a fear of health professionals and union leaders. mirror About their fear of medical services at the margins.

Overwhelmed GPs can “shuffle under pressure” without additional assistance in administering the vaccine. Frontline staff are seeking PPEs that they say have been rejected. And tens of thousands of cancer patients are missing out on important treatments.

Dr. Richard Votry, chairman of the British Medical Association, warns: “I want to be able to provide vaccinations, but I need to prioritize them.

“We need to reduce bureaucracy and get more support. GP practice is a very difficult time and cannot be done in two places at once.”

Health Minister Matt Hancock Vaccines are said to be delivered through special centers at venues such as care homes, GPs, pharmacists, and sports halls.

And he insisted NHS Ready to deploy vaccine from 1 December – Despite the warning, the GP system is either unprepared or unsuitable for mass vaccination.

According to a BMA survey, nearly half said their mental health was worse than before the pandemic began, and 73% reported anxiety about working during the winter.

One person in Bradford, West Yorkshire said: “It’s very difficult to deploy this in addition to the normal workload. I’m worried that my colleagues may buckle under pressure.”

The government is under special pressure to successfully deploy the vaccine after widespread criticism of the logistical failure of testing and tracking systems.

However, with enough vaccines ordered for 20 million people, the GP needs to deal with 5,000 daily vaccinations of drugs that need to be carefully stored and delivered in two doses every three weeks. There is.

One Yorkshire GP told Miller: “It’s very difficult to deploy this in addition to a normal workload. I’m worried that my colleagues may buckle under pressure.”

“I am confident that the NHS will face this challenge,” said Health Minister Matt Hancock.
(Image: PA)

Meanwhile, the union claims that thousands of major front-line NHS staff have been denied the protection they need to do their jobs.

According to representatives, in official guidance, physiotherapists, nutritionists, speech therapists, etc. do not have the proper PPE for close contact procedures.

The National Health Service’s Alan Loft House said: “In order for NHS staff to perform professional procedures, it is inevitable to approach patients. It is important that they have the proper PPE, and that there are many.”

Colenzo Jarrett-Thorpe of Unite said: “The government has stated that there is no shortage of PPE, so I would like the UK Public Health Services to change the guidance. Our members are in danger.”

And pressure on the NHS has an unavoidable effect on the patient.

Some of the seriously affected people suffer from cancer, and the worrying number is that more than 30,000 cancer patients started treatment in the six months to September compared to the same period last year. Is shown.

It is estimated that 3 million people are waiting for cancer screening and 1,600 cancers remain undiagnosed each month.

Breast Cancer Now’s Mia Rosenblatt warned the government and the NHS England that “we need to set up how to respond to the influx of demand for diagnostic imaging and diagnosis so that breast cancer services can continue safely.”

An NHS spokesperson said last night: “Cancer services have returned to pre-pandemic levels and GP appointments were made ahead of this time last year. GPs will work with other healthcare professionals who have access to volunteers providing vaccines. “


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