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A baby with a coronavirus-related syndrome that left a lifelong heart disease

A baby with a coronavirus-related syndrome that left a lifelong heart disease
A baby with a coronavirus-related syndrome that left a lifelong heart disease


After suffering from a rare syndrome associated with the coronavirus that affects children, the baby was left in a lifelong condition.

Leia Godwin was only five months old when she became one of the few cases of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PIMS) in the United Kingdom.

Tot was hospitalized in April after performing a high temperature with a slight rash.

Leia’s mother, Hannah Godwin (13-year-old Nia and 9-year-old Gracie, and Leia’s twin Shia’s mother) thought little about the rash and suspected an allergic reaction, but was safe. I called it 111 for that. Wales online Report.

She was advised to take her daughter to Royal Gwent Hospital Newport Where Leia was placed directly on the suspected antibiotic Sepsis Or Meningitis..

Leia Godwin was only 5 months old
(Image: Wales Online / Rob Browne)

However, after spending a day in the hospital, the rash covered the whole body, Leia’s condition worsened, the temperature continued to be high, and she developed chest cough, tonsillitis, and tachycardia, so she was transferred to a highly dependent unit. ..

After that, Leia was moved to Noah’s Ark Hospital. Cardiff She was finally diagnosed with PIMS, which is likened to Kawasaki disease.

At that time, it was recently revealed as a side effect of the virus in children.

Leia was hospitalized for four weeks and is now doing very well in six months, reaching the same milestone as her twin Shia celebrates her first birthday.

Twins Shia and Leia
(Image: Wales Online / Rob Browne)

“You wouldn’t think she had any problems. She’s really fine,” said Hannah, 36, from Riska, Gwent.

However, during hospitalization in April and May, it was discovered that Leia had multiple aneurysms in her heart. Abnormal swelling of the arterial wall of the heart can cause a heart attack or heart disease.

Both Shia and Leia were scanned as newborns due to the family’s existing heart condition.

Shia found a hole in her heart, but Leia looked healthy.

Leia developed a rash throughout her bdy
(Image: Hannah Godwin)

This allowed doctors to identify cardiac aneurysms as the result of PIMS.

“She will take anticoagulants for the rest of her life,” Hannah explained.

“Because of a cardiac aneurysm, she needs to make sure her blood is not coagulating.

“They seem to be stable now. They shouldn’t grow-any growth would be scary. The only risk factor is stress that can put stress or pressure on her heart.”

Leia was initially treated with suspicion of sepsis or meningitis
(Image: Hannah Godwin)

Hannah said Leia may need surgical intervention that may involve a heart transplant in the future, but she hopes it isn’t needed.

Hannah said Leia’s consultants seemed less worried about cardiac aneurysms, but like other parents in the same situation, her anxiety about Leia’s health is growing.

“It was a horrifying and horrifying time, and I didn’t feel it to any other baby, but we’re a little softer with her,” Hannah continued.

“It’s a bit strange to get used to it. When your child falls, you’re kind of like:” Get up, it’s okay, “but Leia and I worry. “

Mothers Hannah Godwin and Leia at the hospital
(Image: Hannah Godwin)

Leia was recently hospitalized twice as a precautionary measure. The first time after the eyes were stained with blood and small spots were formed, and the second time after hitting the head.

“You need peace of mind. If you see the exact same symptoms in Shia, I’m probably not too worried, but after Leia’s experience, I’ll.”

Leia is now wearing a helmet to protect her from collisions and falls that can cause stressful reactions to the heart.

One of the mysteries still faced by the family is how Leia was first infected with the coronavirus.

Near, Hannah, Leia, Simon, Shia, Gracie Godwin
(Image: Wales Online / Rob Browne)

Hannah’s husband, Leia’s father, Simon Godwin, suffers from heart disease, which means her family was quarantined long before Leia became ill.

Later antibody tests performed at Shia and Hannah revealed that neither carried the antibody. Coronavirus antibody.

However, the same test on Leia showed that she had the virus, so it is believed that Leia had it at some point, but neither Shia nor Hannah.

“There are hundreds of PIM-affected children like Leia, but she hasn’t come down lightly from some of the parents I talked to.

Dad Simon and Leia
(Image: Wales Online / Rob Browne)

“Some of the families I contacted came out relatively intact,” Hannah said.Sadly, an eight-month-old baby died in May after making the same contract. syndrome..

Looking to the future, Leia should lead a normal life, but Hannah explained that further treatment may be needed in the future, such as stents and, in the worst case, complete transplants.

Currently, Hannah wants to raise awareness of PIMS, Kawasaki disease, and heart disease in children. She believes that many parents don’t know about both.

“Parents are worried about meningitis and sepsis-we know the pinprick test-but there are many things we don’t know.

“I hadn’t thought about Kawasaki disease for a million years.”

Hannah is now launching a website called BACHIW in Wales to raise awareness of Kawasaki disease and PIMS, and is also raising funds for pediatric cardiology equipment at Noah’s Ark Hospital. I am.

She explained that the hospital is interested in buying equipment that allows parents of children’s patients to monitor their minds from home.

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