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Scottish dementia experts welcome research on “exciting” Alzheimer’s disease

Scottish dementia experts welcome research on “exciting” Alzheimer’s disease


Major studies suggest that foods that stimulate the “good bacteria” in the gut, such as oats, berries, bananas, garlic, leeks, and onions, may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Scottish dementia experts first show that there is an “indisputable” link between gut flora imbalance and the development of damaging amyloid plaques in the brain, a “stimulating” new Explained as a study.

They found that proteins produced by certain gut flora identified in the patient’s blood could alter the interaction between the immune and nervous systems and cause illness.

It is already known that the composition of the intestinal flora of patients with Alzheimer’s disease changes compared to those who do not suffer from such disorders.

Their microbiota is less diverse, with an excess of certain bacteria and a significant reduction of other microbes.

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Scientists in Italy and Switzerland have studied a cohort of older people between the ages of 65 and 85.

Some suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, causing similar memory problems, while others did not.

Researchers used PET scans to measure the amount of harmful plaque and quantify the presence of various inflammatory markers in the blood.
A protein produced by intestinal bacteria.

High blood levels of lipopolysaccharide and certain short-chain fatty acids (acetate and valerate) were associated with large amyloid deposits in the brain.

Conversely, butyric acid, another high-level short-chain fatty acid, was associated with less amyloid pathology.

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Moira Marizzoni of the Fatebenefratelli Center in Brescia, Italy, is the lead author of the study, saying: “Our results are indisputable. Certain bacterial products of the gut flora correlate with the amount of amyloid plaques in the brain.”

Scientists say this discovery paves the way for potential protection strategies – through the administration of “bacterial cocktails” or prebiotics to feed the “good” bacteria in the gut. Such intervention is very early stage I’m sick.

Professor Craig Ritchie, Professor of Aging Psychiatry and Director of the Brain, University of Edinburgh health Scotland said: “This is a biologically meaningful and exciting investigative tool.”

The body is full of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi, collectively known as the microbiome. Some bacteria are associated with illness, while others are said to be important for the immune system, heart, weight, and many other aspects of health.

Probiotics are good bacteria, and prebiotics are promoters of good bacteria. They work synergistically with each other to keep the gastrointestinal tract healthy.

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Both are available as supplements, but they can also be sourced from the diet. Probiotic sources include sauerkraut.

Researchers at the University of Geneva have already proven a link between inflammation, certain gut flora, and Alzheimer’s disease, and wanted to study the interaction more closely.

Moira Marizzoni of the Fatebenefratelli Center in Brescia said:

“Conversely, butyric acid, another high-level short-chain fatty acid, was associated with less amyloid pathology.
“Therefore, this study provides evidence of an association between specific proteins in the gut flora and brain amyloidosis through the inflammatory phenomenon of blood.”

Craig Ritchie, Professor of Aging Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh and Director of Brain Health Scotland, Said that the next step is to confirm findings in a larger patient cohort.

“This science is years away from its practical effects, as it still needs to be implemented and understood, but it is certainly new evidence that provides further evidence between gastrointestinal and brain health. ”

Herald Scotland:

Herald’s I think I have dementia The campaign aims to improve the care, treatment and financial support of people affected by dementia and their families.

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