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Studies have shown that nothing can make a child feel better than a mom or dad.


Cuddling is really the best medicine: research shows that infants feel nothing better than their mother or dad’s hug

  • Hugs of mothers and fathers are a great way to calm a small child of four months
  • Japanese researchers measured baby’s heartbeat interval-a sign of calmness
  • Embraced babies showed longer heart beat intervals, not just being hugged
  • But do not hug strongly! Baby’s heart rate interval increased during “tight hug”
  • Hugs play an important early role in the bond between child and parent, they say

According to new research, babies show more signs of relaxation when held by their parents than strangers.

Japanese infants are four months old and have a slower heart rate in their parents ’embrace compared to strangers’ embraces.

Infants younger than one year showed longer intervals when hugged than when hugged. Suggests a high level of relaxation.

But researchers advise the mother not to put a tight hug-when the young man is on the receiving side of a “tight hug”, the heartbeat interval has become faster.

This study provides some of the first evidence that hugs-not just hugs-play an important role in early bonding between parents and children.

The images show how the hold, hug and tight hug were done. Tight hug accelerated toddler beat interval compared to hug

The images show how the hold, hug and tight hug were done. Tight hug accelerated toddler beat interval compared to hug

“We know that children like to be held by their parents,” said Professor Chisato Yoshida, a research author at Toho University in Japan.

“But what surprised us as scientists is that we know little about hugs.”

The team examined the heart rate response of infants under one year during hold, hug, tight hug, and the heart rate of parents.

They also saw what happens when a strange woman with childbirth and parenting experience hugs on behalf of either parent.

The figure shows that when the baby was hugged by her mother, her beat-to-beat interval (IBI) (a sign of calm) was higher than her hug or tight hug. When both the mother and father hug, the IBI was also higher compared to strangers

The figure shows that when the baby was hugged by her mother, her beat-to-beat interval (IBI) (a sign of calm) was higher than her hug or tight hug. When both the mother and father hug, the IBI was also higher compared to strangers

What is the INTERBEAT interval?

The heartbeat interval (IBI) is the time between each heartbeat in a mammal.

Increasing IBI increases the time between beats, but decreasing IBI causes the heart to beat faster.

In this study, longer IBIs were associated with calmness and relaxation in infants, but shorter IBIs could be indicators of stress.

The IBI appears as a wave on the ECG display. They differ from beat to beat.

Researchers report that both parents and infants showed an increase during ECG beat-to-beat (IBI) embraces.

IBI is the time between certain waveforms that measure the electrical activity of the heart. An increase in time indicates a decrease in heart rate.

“Infants older than four months are more likely to increase their heart rate intervals when their parents are holding them than strangers,” said Yoshida.

Parents also showed a high rate of increase in heart rate intervals by hugging the infant.

“We have found that both infants and parents can relax by hugging.”

Similarly, infants did not show an increase in IBI during a hug from a female stranger.

Infants younger than 4 months did not show the same increase in IBI in the cuddle, so it is not distinguished whether they are hugged or held as older infants.

However, infants younger than 4 months suffered a decrease in heart rate when the parent’s hands put pressure on the back during the hug.

Infants younger than 4 months did not show the same increase in RRI during hugs, researchers reported

Infants younger than 4 months did not show the same increase in RRI during hugs, researchers reported

The calming effect of the hug could only be detected in babies who were neither crying nor annoying.

“The baby loves being hugged and loves how to hug her,” said Yoshida.

Infants cannot speak, but after at least four months they recognize their parents in various ways of parenting, such as hugs.

“I hope that knowing how your baby feels when hugged can help reduce the physical and psychological workload of caring for infants who are too young to speak.”

Findings published in journal iScience.



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