The surge in the Covid-19 case has forced Sweden to rethink its strategy praised by US conservatives.
Stockholm, Sweden — Sweden once found a cheerleader among the conservative commentators and activists in the United States. Coronavirus pandemic..
But when the number of deaths and infectious diseases surges, Swedish government It has been forced to introduce much stricter regulations to prevent the spread of the virus.
Starting Tuesday, the number of people gathering in public will be reduced from 50 to 8. The restaurant only allows 8 diners per table.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven issued a harsh warning on Sunday night when explaining the new rules.
“It’s clear that it will take some time before we can get back to normal tonight in late November 2020,” he told the country in a television speech. “Many people ignored the fall advice.”
“Everything you want to do isn’t required. Cancel, postpone,” he added.
Dr. Karin Tegmark Wisell, Ph.D. in the Department of Microbiology at the Public Health Agency of Sweden, welcomed the new rules unilaterally issued by the government.
“Large rallies are at risk of infection,” she said Friday, adding that limiting them is “positive.”
She said people were tired of following the first recommendation, “so we had to take stricter steps.”
This month, the central government advised local governments to close rallies such as concerts, plays and lectures.
Also, the provision of alcohol after 10 pm was banned. Special local recommendations, such as avoiding public transport and shops, are also implemented throughout the country.
Unlike many other European countries Scandinavian neighborWith the introduction of strict rules and blockades, Sweden previously relied on recommendations for people to wash their hands, stay socially distant and work from home.
However, the number of cases began to increase significantly at the end of last month, and this trend continues until November. According to the report, about 6,406 people died from the virus and about 208,295 cases were recorded. John Hopkins University.. As a result, the government was forced to act.
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“I’m very frustrated and worried when I hear that the number of sick and dead people is increasing,” said 75-year-old Matt Jeresten.
But he said he had to wait longer to see his twelve grandchildren.
For communication project manager Pady Cortinez, the new measure mandates “both fear and respect.”
“You’re just trying to adapt,” said 48-year-old Cortines, adding that she stopped going to the bar and “did not hug.”
As the numbers grow, medical facilities such as the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, must also be prepared.
CEO Dr. Björn Zoëga said Thursday that elective surgery and other procedures were canceled, but other acute surgery for cancer and heart disease patients would continue.
His colleague, Dr. Bjorn Parson, responsible for intensive care and heart surgery, added that he increased the capacity of the hospital in case of a surge in patients, but it was not full.
Sweden was “not prepared like any other society” for the rapid spread of the disease this year, Zoëga said.
“This came early,” he said, adding that most of the government’s decisions were “quite good.”
His opinion was not shared by Dr. Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, a physician and professor at the Karolinska Institute. He said last week that health officials “gave up” very early on.
“They saw the virus invading Sweden. We couldn’t do testing and contact tracing because we didn’t have the ability to test, and they couldn’t speed it up. They have resigned, “she said.
“There was a lot we said they shouldn’t, and it just took off,” she said, and agreed with the government’s claim that it’s listening to scientists. He added that he did not.
She said long-term Covid-19 patients remained concerned because they were not properly monitored and it was difficult to learn the best methods of treatment and rehabilitation.
Such patients were “basically endangered at unacceptable levels during the spring,” she said, and were not currently being treated properly.
Calling the situation “concerned,” he said, “I don’t know how to recover because I don’t have enough knowledge about the disease at this time.”
But everyone was hoping that the vaccine would be available soon. However, Parson warned that a balance “between rushing and safety of vaccines” is needed.
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