Veganism, Other Non-Carnivorous Foods Related to Higher Fracture Risk, Research Results
Key Point
- Researchers have found that people on a meat-free diet are at increased risk of fractures
- Vegans in particular are 2.3 times more at risk of hip fractures than meat eaters
- Protein and calcium consumption, as well as BMI, can contribute to the difference in risk
According to a large UK study, people who eat a non-meat diet can be prone to fractures. Of those, vegans seem to be the most endangered.
To determine the possible differences in fracture risk between people eating different diets, a team of researchers recruited tens of thousands of men and women from the UK between 1993 and 2001 for a long-term EPIC. -I analyzed the data collected from the Oxford study. Participants were divided into four meal groups. Among them, 29,380 were carnivores, 8,037 were fish or pescatarians, 15,499 were vegetarians, and 1,982 were vegans.
After an average of 17.6 years of follow-up, the researchers recorded a total of 3,941 fractures, including wrist, arm, hip, leg, and ankle fractures.
The results show that vegetarians, vegans, and pescatarians are at increased risk of hip fractures compared to meat eaters. Especially, Vegan Increased risk of total hip arthroplasty, hip arthroplasty, lower limb fractures, and spinal fractures.
“Vegans are at high risk of total fractures, with nearly 20 cases per 1,000 people in 10 years compared to those who ate meat,” said Dr. Tammy Ton, lead author of research at Oxford University. news release From Biomed Central (BMC). “The biggest difference is hip fractures, the risk of vegans is 2.3 times higher than those who ate meat, which is equivalent to 15 more per 1000 people in 10 years.”
Even after researchers adjusted to count participants’ body mass index (BMI) and dietary calcium levels, the difference was small but still significant.
BMI, calcium and protein intake
People who don’t eat meat may be at increased risk of fractures because of their low BMI and low calcium and protein consumption, according to researchers. As researchers explained in their study, people with a high BMI probably have stronger bones and tend to have better cushioning against the impact of a fall, so BMI and some fractures There was evidence of a “reverse link” in between.
Decreased protein and calcium intake may also be associated with an increased risk of fractures in people who do not eat meat, as both calcium and protein are associated with bone health. For vegetarians, they eat fish but not meat, but vegetarians eat neither fish nor meat, but dairy products and eggs. But vegans eat nothing from animals.
“A balanced, predominantly plant-based diet can lead to improved nutritional levels and is associated with a reduced risk of diseases such as heart disease and diabetes,” said Dr. Tong. “Individuals need to take into account the benefits and risks of their diet, get adequate levels of calcium and protein, and ensure that they maintain a healthy BMI, that is, they are neither overweight nor overweight.”
That said, researchers pointed out that there may be other unexplained factors that could explain why vegans are at high overall risk of fractures in their study. For example, they were unable to distinguish between fractures due to poor bone health and fractures due to accidents. Data on the use of calcium supplements between different diet groups were also not available.
“This is the first prospective study of a vegetarian and vegan diet group with combined and multiple specific fracture sites, and the findings show that vegan bone health requires further research. It suggests, “the researchers wrote.
TheĀ· Survey It is published in the journal BMC Medicine.
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