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RRMC Health Talk: Discovering the Most Treatable Lung Cancer | Weekend Magazine

RRMC Health Talk: Discovering the Most Treatable Lung Cancer | Weekend Magazine


Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, followed by radon and radiation exposure, and environmental pollution. Symptoms of lung cancer usually do not appear until the disease has already progressed to an incurable stage.

Patients do not know unless the cancer has grown into the ribs or blood vessels. By that time, they are experiencing slow symptoms such as blood cough, chest and bone pain. If you can diagnose at an early stage, the survival rate is very good. However, most lung cancers are diagnosed in stage 3, and only about 3 out of 10 patients with stage 3 lung cancer have survived for the past 5 years.

Doctors have been looking for good screening tests for lung cancer for many years, but only recently have they been shown a test known as a low-dose CT scan (LDCT), which has a lower radiation dose than a regular CT scan. It helps reduce the risk of dying from this disease. Between 2004 and 2009, the National Lung Screening Trial conducted a large clinical trial examining LDCT scans of the chest to screen for lung cancer. Over 50,000 current or former smokers aged 55-74 who are fairly healthy have been screened. Participants had to have at least 30 packs of smoking history per year to be included in the study. This means that someone smoked an average of 30 years a day, 2 packs a day, 15 years or 3 packs a day. 10 years. This is an estimate of average smoke exposure.

The study included people with a history of lung cancer or symptoms of lung cancer, people with partial lung resection, people who need to take oxygen to help breathing, or other serious medical problems. Some people are not included. A few years later, the study found that people who had an LDCT scan were 20% less likely to die of lung cancer than those who had a chest x-ray.

The Rutland Community Health Center (RRMC) launched an early lung cancer screening program in 2016. If you wish to see your patient, you will need to refer the program through your GP or lung clinic. The first step is to book a shared decision that the insurer needs before the LDCT scan is performed. In the meantime, the respiratory therapist will determine the lung cancer risk score and provide an assessment of individual patients’ ability to participate in the program. This score includes getting information from patients about whether they have a history of lung cancer, are 55-77 years old, have smoked at least 30 packs a year, and are willing and able to participate in the program. I will. , Can undergo procedures such as biopsy and surgical intervention, and has no symptoms of lung cancer at this time. Our team discusses smoking cessation programs at RRMC. This program provides support to help you quit smoking.

If the patient is determined to be covered by insurance, an LDCT scan will be scheduled. The patient is placed in the scanner for a minute or two. I’m looking for a small nodule of about 1 mm. If no suspicious nodules are found, continue screening annually. If caution is required, such as due to a slightly larger nodule, or if there are other concerns, follow-up will be done after 3-6 months and the patient will discuss the results with the doctor.

Early detection of cancer can help people surgically remove it, succeed in treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation, and help people lead a longer and healthier life.

This week’s Health Talk was written by Darius Sideler of Lung and Critical Care at the Rutland Community Health Center.


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