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Board of Health Drive-Through Influenza Vaccination Service Returns to Health Center from COVID Testing Site

Board of Health Drive-Through Influenza Vaccination Service Returns to Health Center from COVID Testing Site


December 3, 2020

Board of Health Drive-Thru Flu Shot Services returns to health center from COVID test site

DCBOH Webmaster December 3, 2020News & Press Releases

Decatur, Georgia – As the demand for COVID-19 testing continues to skyrocket, starting Monday the DeKalb County Board of Health will return influenza vaccination resources for COVID-19 testing sites in Draville and Stonecrest to nearby health centers.

Influenza vaccinations are available at the following health centers at designated times.

Health centerAddress and phone numberbusiness hoursClifton Springs Health Center 3110 Clifton Springs Rd.Decatur, GA 30034 (404) 244-2200 Health center business hours(For appointments at the clinic): Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 5:00 pmEast Dicarb Health Center2277 S. Stone Mountain-Lithonia Rd.Lithonia, GA 30058 (770) 484-2600Drive-Through Influenza Clinic Business Hours:Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am – 11:00 am Health center business hours(For appointments at the clinic): Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 5:00 pmNorth Decalve Health Center3807 Clairmont Rd. , NEChamblee, GA 30341 (770) 454-1144Drive-Through Influenza Clinic Business Hours:Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 11:00 am Health center business hours(For appointments at the clinic): Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 5:00 pmTO Vinson Health Center440 Winn WayDecatur, GA 30030 (404) 294-3762Health center business hours(For appointments at the clinic): Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 5:00 pm

Reservations are required for influenza vaccinations at the clinic.Schedule and registration Drive-through influenza vaccination The location can be done online.

“Individuals are naturally concerned about the prevention and testing of COVID-19, but many overlook the flu shot,” said S. Elizabeth Ford, director of the MBA’s DeKalb County District Health Department. , MD, MBA states. Seasonal influenza vaccine. It will still be several months before the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available to many people. It is highly recommended that you be vaccinated against the flu as the symptoms of COVID-19 and the flu will reflect each other for several days. “

Standard and high-dose influenza vaccinations that provide better protection against influenza in the elderly are available at all health centers and drive-through locations in Decalve. Despite shortages in many places, the Health Commission continues to maintain an adequate supply of high-dose influenza vaccinations.

Influenza vaccination freedom For Medicare recipients, children enrolled in Medicaid are available free of charge with most private insurance. It is available at low cost if you are not insured or if your plan does not cover influenza vaccination.

People who have been vaccinated against the flu must bring their insurance information and photo ID. The DeKalb County Board of Health accepts Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Cigna, Medicaid, Medicare Part B, PeachCare for Kids, State Health Benefit Plan (excluding Kaiser Permanente) and United Healthcare. Only debit and credit cards are accepted for payment at drive-through flu locations.

Influenza vaccination is recommended for people over 6 months, especially those at high risk of serious flu complications. These groups include infants, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions (asthma, diabetes, heart disease, etc.) and people over the age of 65.

For more information on influenza and vaccination programs, including on-site workplaces and local flu clinics, please visit: Health Commission Influenza Web Page Alternatively, call 404-294-3700, Option 2.

This press release was created by DeKalb County Health Commission.. The views expressed here are those of the author himself.

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