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The UK gives the first Covid-19 vaccination under the watchful eye of the world

The UK gives the first Covid-19 vaccination under the watchful eye of the world


Vaccinations will begin on Tuesday in England, Wales and Scotland. Northern Ireland said it would start vaccination at the beginning of the week, but did not specify any day.

This process is complex and closely monitored from around the world, as the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine must be stored under harsh conditions and each recipient must be vaccinated twice at 3-week intervals.

Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the NHS provider, told Sky News on Sunday that 50 hospital hubs across the UK have already been vaccinated, and vaccine distribution is “very well done now.” Said.

UK health officials plan to inoculate up to 4 million Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines and will provide up to 95% protection against Covid-19 by the end of December, Cordery said.

The government has so far ordered 40 million doses of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine, which is sufficient to vaccinate 20 million people, or one-third of the UK population. Deaths from Covid-19 are recorded in the UK more than anywhere else in Europe.

The rate at which UK regulators approve vaccines is faster than other regulators in Europe and the United States. Questions posed In some quarters. But Cordery said the process was “incredibly robust.”

“Yes, it’s shorter than other vaccine approval processes, because it’s all thrown at once with this,” she said.

A head of UK drug regulators also said on Sunday that Pfizer / BioNTech jabs are “as safe as common vaccines” and those who receive them will be monitored by health authorities.

Pfizer vaccine doses will be stored in the freezer prior to the first dose scheduled in the UK on Tuesday.

June Rain, head of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom, told the BBC that “there may be mild symptoms, but they will probably disappear in a day or two and have no serious nature.” Said.

More than 1 in 10 recipients, according to MHRA May have side effects These include injection site pain, headache, muscle aches, chills, arthralgias, and fever. Some other, less common side effects are also listed.
Asked about The potential impact of Brexit Regarding the vaccination program, Rein said: “We are practicing, ready and fully prepared for possible consequences.”
The transition period for Brexit will end on 31 December. The final negotiations on a trade agreement between EU and British leaders continued over the weekend. Miserable warning About the economic and logistical turmoil that will result from a fierce clash from the world’s largest trade bloc.

“Our goal at HMRA is to reach everyone in the country in the same way, no matter what the outcome, whether it’s a deal, medicine, medical device or vaccine,” Rain said. Said.

Logistic challenges

The first dose of the vaccine arrived in the United Kingdom on Thursday night, according to CNN-affiliated ITV News, and private storage facilities in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland from Belgium through the Eurotunnel by a fleet of unmarked trucks. Was carried to.

After the UK government announced approval the day before, there was confusion over who was first vaccinated and how it could be safely administered, given logistical constraints.

Here we will look at how various coronavirus vaccines work
Vaccines should be stored at minus 70 ° C. This is the temperature only possible in a special freezer. When taken out of the freezer, MHRA approval The dose should be refrigerated and used within 5 days. Batches can be transferred and repacked to a smaller number of doses only a limited number of times and under harsh conditions. Once the vial is diluted for injection, it cannot be transported and must be used or discarded within 6 hours.

The UK Joint Committee on Vaccinations and Vaccinations (JCVI) first recommends vaccinations for the elderly and their staff residents of care facilities, then for people over 80 and health care workers. Was vaccinated.

However, the challenge associated with obtaining vaccines to care for home-based residents is that healthcare professionals first vaccinate people over the age of 80 who are about to leave the hospital or are attending outpatient hospital appointments. It means that you are planning to administer it.

“The hospital will also invite people in their 80s and above to jabs and work with care home providers to book staff at vaccination clinics,” according to a statement from the NHS England. “Schedules not used by these groups will be used by healthcare professionals at the highest risk of serious illness from Covid.”

A temperature-controlled refrigerated truck will depart the Pfizer facility in Purus, Belgium, on December 3, 2020.

Rain told the BBC that the exact timing may “fluctuate”, but he hopes to see the vaccine “definitely within the next two weeks” reach the care home.

The Northern Ireland Ministry of Health said on Friday that the first consignment of nearly 25,000 doses arrived, paving the way for “starting with the vaccination team and starting vaccination early next week.”

Scotland’s Secretary of State Alister Jack said in an email editorial on Sunday that she would receive 65,000 Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines from the first batch of 800,000 doses distributed in the United Kingdom.

He added that the military was involved in the planning of vaccination programs and logistics.

Scottish Health Minister Jean Freeman said that vaccinated people were first vaccinated, then caregiver residents and staff, and all people over the age of 80 and front-line medical and social welfare. Said that the person would follow.

She acknowledged the challenge of transporting vaccines to nursing homes and private homes, but “should give us all the real hope that the end of the pandemic is in sight for all future difficulties. “

Fouch’s apology

Other countries are not far behind the UK in making decisions on vaccine approval.

The US regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is planning a meeting of the Vaccine Advisory Board on December 10 to discuss Pfizer / BioNTech’s emergency permit application. We will meet again on December 17th and consider applying. Moderna vaccine candidate..
Why Oxford's Covid-19 Vaccine Helps the World More Than Other Shots

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a top U.S. infectious disease expert, apologized Thursday after suggesting that British regulators have not scrutinized data on Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines as carefully as U.S. regulators the day before. ..

The news of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine approval was welcomed by many British as a ray of light at the end of the dark year.

UK approval is expected to soon follow for vaccine candidates developed by Moderna and the UK and Swedish pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

But four British chief medical officers warned in a letter that the winter was still “especially tough” and people should be vigilant against the virus.

“Vaccine very welcome news means that we can look forward to 2021 more optimistically, but the introduction of vaccines will only reduce the number of Covid participation in healthcare services over the next three months. It only has an impact, “they said.

Russia launches mass vaccination

Meanwhile, vaccination centers throughout Moscow are in Russia Sputnik VCovid-19 vaccine On Saturday, first to groups of teachers, medical professionals, municipal service workers, and more.
Russian President Vladimir Putin Ordered large-scale vaccination with Sputnik V It will start nationwide from this week.
Putin ordered Russian authorities to launch a large Covid-19 vaccination campaign

Russia became the world’s first country to approve a coronavirus vaccine in August, approving treatment for public use even before the ongoing significant Phase 3 trials were conducted. This move has attracted criticism from the scientific community.

“Today, citizen vaccinations have begun at 70 locations in Moscow. We work seven days a week from 8 am to 8 pm,” said Natalia Nikolaevna Kuzenkova, the doctor in charge of Moscow Hospital 68, on Saturday. Said.

Kuzenkova avoided asking questions about vaccine safety. “If you have any doubts about getting sick or vaccinated … this is a very dangerous illness and can lead to very serious consequences, so the answer is clear here,” she says. I did.

“The vaccine has been formally registered. Two stages of clinical trials have passed and the third stage is now complete. Therefore, within the framework of a pandemic, under these conditions, this is a regulatory standard. There is no contradiction, “she added. ..

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobianin said more than 5,000 people had registered for vaccination in the first five hours, suggesting early participation was enthusiastic.

One of the people vaccinated on Saturday told CNN that he would be vaccinated before the end of the trial, “not at this time.”

“Of course, there are some concerns, but I try not to think about it,” said a woman who worked as a hospital administrator and identified herself only as Nadigida. “I wanted to get immunity from the new Covid-19 infection. Protect yourself and my family. To avoid getting sick and to cause complications, to my loved ones Don’t get infected. “

Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said last week that more than 100,000 Russian citizens had already been vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine.

Authorities say there are sufficient doses for more than 2 million people across Russia, with a population of about 145 million.

CNN’s Sharon Braithwaite, Amy Cassidy, Zamira Rahim, and Mary Ilyushina contributed to this report.


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