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Studies show that weekly blockades exacerbate drinking


The results of a new study conducted during the blockade reveal that harmful drinking habits increased during this period, with adults being considered heavy drinkers and consuming 19%. More alcoholic beverages For eBut weekly Spent on the blockade. The results of these findings highlight the negative health consequences of long-term blockades in the country.


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The government should take into account the various health implications of the restrictions it has set to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and try not to promote other health problems in an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus.

Heavy drinking doubles the risk of increased drinking due to blockade

Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center for Public Health (Dallas) conducted a state-wide survey of approximately 2,000 U.S. adults aged 18 and over from mid-March to mid-April. .. Order at home.

Results of a study published this month American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Shows that the longer an adult spends on a blockade, the more harmful drinking behavior increases. This study is the first to reveal a link between the stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent blockade and harmful drinking.

In particular, overdrinking, which is defined as a man who drinks 5 or more drinks within 2 hours and a woman who drinks 4 or more drinks, is more affected by the blockade, and alcohol consumption is 19% per week of the blockade. Will increase.

Compared to those who did not drink excessively, heavy drinkers were twice as likely to increase their alcohol intake during the blockade (28% vs. 60%). People with depression and those with a history of illness are also at increased risk.

The following are important points of the survey.

  • During the blockade, heavy drinkers drank an average of four drinks at a time, compared to the two drinks of non-heavy drinkers.
  • The maximum amount of alcohol consumed per dose during the blockade was much higher for heavy drinkers (7 vs. 2) than for non-drinkers.
  • Living with children was protective and reduced the risk of drinking alcohol during the blockade by 26%.

Heavy drinkers at risk of alcohol-related health effects

The team assigned survey respondents to groups of heavy drinkers, non-heavy drinkers, and non-drinkers based on their responses. We then analyzed many factors, including the time spent on the blockade, whether or not you lived with your child, your history of depression, and changes in your work status as a result of a pandemic. According to their analysis, nearly one-third of respondents reported heavy drinking during the blockade, and heavy drinkers reported increased alcohol consumption.

People classified as non-heavy drinkers did not increase their drinking during the blockade and identified heavy drinkers at risk of the alcohol-related health effects of the blockade.

Preventive strategies needed to protect people at risk

Researchers in this study emphasize that preventative strategies need to be implemented to prevent people at risk of harmful drinking from increasing alcohol consumption during the blockade. Without effective preventive strategies, a significant portion of the population can face long-term health consequences.

Dr. Sitara Weerakoon, Ph.D., University of Texas, emphasized that “increased time spent at home is a life-threatening factor affecting drinking, and the COVID-19 pandemic may have exacerbated this stress.” I will. Potential preventive strategies are advised to focus on reducing the stress caused by the pandemic.

The results also suggest that further research needs to be conducted to more closely investigate the relationship between depression and blockade drinking habits. It may be necessary to establish preventative strategies to protect people with depression or symptoms of depression from the risk of heavy drinking due to blockade.

Journal reference:

  • Session at home /


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