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7 foods and drinks to avoid in winter for a healthy and free body

7 foods and drinks to avoid in winter for a healthy and free body


Foods to Avoid in Winter: There are some foods that are best to avoid in winter.


  • The winter season is in full swing and we all know what food we should eat
  • However, there are certain foods that are best to avoid during the season
  • There are five foods that experts recommend that we should not eat

The winter season is in full swing, and many delicious foods and dishes are coming out. Everyone is familiar with the foods we have to eat in the winter, such as seasonal fruits, vegetables, and warm and nutritious foods. But what about foods to avoid? Experts and nutritionists in this area suggest that it is best to avoid certain foods and food types during the harsh winter season to improve health and immunity. Don’t miss these foods to maintain a healthy and strong body that is resistant to infections.

Here are five foods to avoid in the winter:

1. Cold food

Are you thinking of having a bottle of cola directly from the fridge? Think again. Cold drinks and cold foods reduce your body’s defense system and make you more susceptible to illness. “You shouldn’t eat cold foods in the winter, as your body has to double the effort to raise its temperature,” says nutritionist Lupari Dutta.

2. Dairy products

Dairy products essentially produce mucus. This is a feature that can make you more susceptible to wheezing and other infections.Therefore, try to limit your intake Cold dairy Products such as milk, shakes and smoothies during the winter. Cards are also best avoided after lunch in the winter. Delnaaz T, Chief Dietitian at Jaslok Hospital. “Some people are particularly sensitive to dairy products and form mucus like Ayurveda, so people who are prone to colds and coughs should avoid dairy products,” said Chanduwadia.


(Read again: Foods that can keep you warm this winter season)

Meat is rich in B vitamins

Foods to Avoid in Winter: Meat is a heavy food and is best avoided in winter.

3. Meat and processed foods

Heavy foods such as meat Winter season.. According to experts, it takes a long time for the body to digest these, which makes them lethargic when physical activity is already low. This can also lead to digestive problems and weight gain. It is also advisable to minimize processed foods in cold climates as it can cause allergies to some people. “Food additives are known to cause allergic reactions to varying degrees of individuals,” said Sweetal Trinidade, Senior Nutrition Officer (HOD) at PD Hinduja Hospital.

4. Salad and raw food

According to nutritionist and macrobiotic health coach Shilpa Arora ND, it’s best to avoid salads and raw foods. After lunch Winter time. This is due to the fact that cold foods increase sourness and bloating, and digestion peaks at noon.Consume seasonal salads like mole And raw Vegetables Only these times. “It’s important to eat watts each season. Most foods that grow in a particular season are aimed at helping / curing and protecting the most sensitive illnesses of the month,” said nutritionist Delnaaz. T. Chanduwadia agrees.

(Read again: Seven Immunizing Juices for the Winter Diet; Stay Healthy and Enjoy Nice Weather)


Foods to Avoid in Winter: Experts suggest avoiding salads after winter lunch.

5. Juice and sparkling drinks

Everyone knows that chilled beverages should be avoided Winter season.. However, experts suggest that it is better to limit the consumption of all sparkling beverages, fruit juices and other sweet drinks.These high levels of sugar lead to the development of the body Insulin resistance And it may reduce immunity. “Eat fresh fruits and avoid fruit juices. Even fresh fruit juices should be avoided in winter,” says Shilpa Arora ND.

6. Empty calories

When winter comes, all we can think of is eating hot pakora and ghee-laden paranters. These hot foods may help your body cope with the cold, but experts will take care and advise you not to overeat empty calories. “It will keep you away from upsetting your many controlled blood parameters from your healthy weight goals. Spices may respond to your taste buds for some time, but in the long run you Can give you stomach problems, “says senior nutritionist Swedal ​​Trinidad.


Foods to Avoid in Winter: Keep away from high-calorie foods.

7. Sweets

There are many festivals to suit the winter season, and celebrations are automatically associated with sweet treats and delicious desserts. However, senior nutritionist Sweetal Trinidade suggests that this can interfere with immunity at harsh temperatures. “Keep an eye on our immunity while spoiling our sweet teeth. Yes, sugar increases inflammation, and the associated pain also weakens immunity, making it more susceptible to respiratory illness.” She says.


Stay healthy, warm and safe. Don’t forget to replenish good nutrition this winter!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is by no means a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult your specialist or family doctor for more information. NDTV is not responsible for this information.

About Aditi AhujaAdity loves to talk and meet with like-minded foodies (especially those who like vegetable peaches). Plus points if you get a reference to her bad jokes or comedy, or if you recommend a new dining place.


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