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Elderly couples who have served the NHS for decades will be vaccinated together with the coronavirus vaccine


Victor and Penny Griffith
Victor and Penny Griffith

The two grandparents who served the NHS for 80 years between them held hands before becoming one of the first couples in the world to be vaccinated against the Pfizer coronavirus.

Victor and Penny Griffith jab at Basildon University Hospital in Essex, where they have been working since the 1960s, on the second day of vaccination in the United Kingdom.

Jab began to be administered at 70 hospital hubs across the UK on Tuesday-called “V-Day” by Health Minister Matt Hancock-starting with healthcare professionals, caregivers, and the elderly. I did.

86-year-old Griffith, who worked as a radiologist, said he and his 80-year-old wife Penny (former nurse) are looking forward to seeing 13 grandchildren between the ages of 4 and 37. It was. First time since March.

The pair, who got married three months after meeting after “Whirlwind Romance” at Connaught Hospital in 1963, said it was “catastrophic” to see the NHS fight a pandemic, but they Became the first one “beyond the moon”. To get vaccinated.

Griffith said: “We are very excited because we are doing the right thing. We are self-isolating and trying not to get mixed up in supermarkets or anything like this … we are over the moon about it I will. “

Coronavirus – Wednesday, December 9, 2020
The couple got married in 1963, three months after they met (PA).

Regarding the pandemic, he said: “This is the worst thing we’ve ever known and people die … our son was infected with the coronavirus.

“It’s really exciting that the vaccine is here now, and hopefully we can continue our lives now.”

Mrs. Griffith added that it would be “good” to hug her grandchildren after receiving her second vaccination in January.

She said she had only seen them drop sweets “through the window” since the blockade began.

Coronavirus – Wednesday, December 9, 2020
The couple attended a garden party at Buckingham Palace in the late 1990s (PA)

While lining up the vaccine, Griffith said the only side effect he was worried about was “death,” but the nurses eased his fears.

He said he wanted to tell those who might be worried about getting the vaccine, “get it done and continue your life.”

He added: “You don’t have to worry about everything because you can get infected with the coronavirus.

“Our enthusiasm for life doesn’t diminish as we get older, but the anxiety of catching something or doing something like a wrench in life … as far as I’m concerned. , We two want to get it done. Life. “

The pair, who are also ballroom dance partners, enjoy golf and bowling before lockdown, enjoy their holidays, and look forward to being lifted and returning to their hobbies.

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