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Why is COVID-19 much more infectious than others? Turned out to be caused by “spike”


The outbreak of COVID-19 in China Infected millions of people and killed thousands World wide. Public health officials are competing for pathogen control, but this is not the first time the Earth has had to fight the outbreak of the modern coronavirus. Here’s how the current scenario relates to previous epidemics:

The latest coronavirus was first recorded in Wuhan, China, and caused a disease named COVID-19. Currently, it has expanded to more than 190 countries including Japan, Italy, Iran, South Korea and the United States.

The origin of the virus has not been confirmed, but early genetic studies have shown that Pathogens appear in bats It was then transmitted to intermediate species before it spilled into humans.

Coronavirus testing site at FedExField, Landover, Maryland

(Photo: Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images)
Landover, Maryland-March 30: Medical professionals screen for coronavirus on March 30, 2020 at a test site built by the Maryland Guard in a FedExField parking lot in Landover, Maryland. I’m preparing. Security guards said they could work with Maryland and Prince George’s County to perform COVID-19 tests on the site for about 100 people a day at the recommendation of a doctor. 1413 coronaviruses have been identified in Maryland, killing 15 people since the outbreak began.


Experts first in Guangdong Province, southern China report Coronavirus-induced viral respiratory illness has spread to 26 countries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia until it was identified in July 2003.

The infection is known to be transmitted to creatures such as bats, civets, and small weasels until the first human patient is bitten.

During the epidemic, there were 8,098 confirmed cases of SARS and 774 deaths. The infection spread mainly from person to person. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are no confirmed SARS cases. Identified Since 2004.


MERS, or Middle East respiratory syndrome, was first recorded in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Coronavirus, a relative of SARS’s distant virus, has been blamed for respiratory illness. It has expanded to 27 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and North America.

MERS, like many coronaviruses, is a zoonotic virus that has been shown to spread between animals and humans. According to scientists, MERS has definitely made the transition from bats to dromedaries before jumping into humans.

There have been 2,494 confirmed MERS cases since 2012, with 858 deaths from the World Health Organization, Illness is mainly caused by direct communication between humans.

Why is COVID-19 more dangerous than these two?

Recent experiments have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is highly adapted to human ACE2 binding. Simulations of viral binding of various species to the homologous ACE2 protein showed preference for bats and human ACE2.

The· Initial preprint One of the researcher’s manuscripts, which became accessible online in March, was the first to calculate the high affinity or tendency of SARS-CoV-2 to bind to human ACE2.

“We not only explained the molecular mechanism of binding to ACE2, but also investigated changes in viral spikes that could alter affinity with human ACE2,” the researchers say. Said..

The attachment of SARS-CoV-2 protein spikes to ACE2, which is located in the upper respiratory tract and serves as a gateway for other coronaviruses such as SARS, has been computer-modeled by researchers. The team used molecular simulation techniques to calculate the binding strength and interaction of viral proteins to ACE2.

Future studies on vaccine lifespan and the tendency of the virus to propagate to other animals may be guided by recognizing the binding action of viral spikes with ACE2 and the viral resistance of these structural spike shifts.

“The computational workflow we have established should be able to handle invasion mechanisms through other receptor binding to other viruses that may occur in the future,” the researchers added.

Read again: Pfizer Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Volunteers Share Trial Side Effects

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