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LA County Public Health Director wept as he described the “immeasurable” COVID-19 death.


The Los Angeles County Chief Health Officer wept on Wednesday when he talked about the devastating damage the area suffered from the COVID-19 surge during a pandemic briefing.

“The death of more than 8,000 people, the beloved members of the family, is an immense loss to their friends, family and our community,” said Barbara, director of public health at the county.・ Feller said she had a hard time getting calm.

The county on Wednesday reported 9,243 new infections. This is the second highest number of cases per day since the pandemic began.

According to public health officials, the 5-day average of new daily cases reported at COVID-19 was 8,993, almost double the 5-day average of new daily cases seen by the county the day after Thanksgiving. .. The number of hospitalized patients due to the virus has also tripled in the past month.

There are 3,299 patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 throughout the county, and Feller sobbed at some point when it was reported that 75 had died from the virus in the last 24 hours.

“Where we are and where we are heading is very disturbing,” Feller said. “Every day since the pandemic began, we have seen a record number of inpatients.”

Deaths are on the rise, rising from an average of 12 per day on 9 November to 43 per day on Wednesday, officials say this reflects only cases a month ago. Said. The number will continue to increase as people who are recently tested positive get sick.

“We’re about to witness a significant increase in the number of dying people,” Feller said, adding that this is “the most dangerous time for LA County.”

As of Wednesday, 8,075 people had died from the virus and 475,271 cases were confirmed throughout the county.

The current infection rate is estimated to be 1.14, which represents the average number of COVID-19 people infected with the virus. Prices are the same as last week.

“Be very careful and diligent to protect yourself and everyone else,” Ferrer pleaded. “Community infections are so common that you risk being affected if you leave your home and stay around others.”

“One in 100 people interacting with the community is infectious,” said Dr. Christina Garry, director of health services, at a press conference Wednesday.

“Almost two-thirds of all infections are caused by individuals who are asymptomatic at the time and look healthy,” Ghaly added. “Understand how dangerous basic activities and even basic interactions with others are. What was safe a month or two ago is now much more risky. Is expensive and unsafe. “

The latest county figures reflect trends seen throughout the state.

The state on Tuesday broke the daily record of coronavirus cases and deaths — 35,400 new infections and 219 deaths. On Wednesday, the state reported 30,851 additional cases and 196 new deaths.

The latest numbers mean that an average of 135 Californians died last week, with nearly 25,000 people in the state being virus-positive every day, more than double the peak of the summer surge. ..

The state announced on Wednesday that the remaining capacity of the ICU to treat the most ill patients is only 9% in the Southern California region.

The recent closure of the stay-at-home order was related to the ICU’s capacity and was imposed because the area’s capacity fell below 15%. The closure will continue until at least December 28th.

“Follow the health officials’ orders for the next three weeks,” Feller told residents in a speech Wednesday. Curfew It came into effect very seriously on Sunday night.

The new rules prohibit private gatherings of all sizes, and people are required to wear masks whenever they go out.


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