Obesity seems to increase COVID-19 risk in New York
New letter from New York University researchers shows it Obesity is a risk factor About COVID-19 hospitalization of patients younger than 60 years. The letter was yesterday Clinical infection.
In other research news, scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlighted the geographical differences in COVID-19, and Johns Hopkins experts pointed out the future of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals. Explains the need.
Increased hospitalization risk
For an obesity study, the researchers examined 3,615 patients admitted to the hospital from March 4 to April 4. The authors analyzed the body mass index (BMI) of patients with confirmed COVID-19. People with a BMI of 18-25 are considered normal weight, 25-30 are overweight, and those over 30 are obese.
Patients under the age of 60 with a BMI of 30 to 34 were 2.0 times (95% CI) [CI], 1.6-2.6, P <0.0001) and 1.8 times (95% CI, 1.2-2.7, P = 0.006) Individuals with a BMI of less than 30 years are more likely to enter acute care and emergency care, respectively, and patients of the same age group with a BMI of 35 years or older are at 2.2 and 3.6 times the risk Was each high
The authors state that obesity is a significant risk factor for COVID-19 hospitalization, with nearly 40% of American adults under the age of 60 having a BMI of 30 or more.
“Patients under the age of 60 are generally considered a low-risk risk group for Covid-19 disease, based on our data, but obesity is a previously unrecognized risk factor for hospitalization. Seems to be the need for emergency medical care. “
High population density
In a study published today at the CDC, Weekly morbidity and mortality reports, For the first time, researchers looked at the cumulative number of COVID-19 cases by geographic region in the United States. COVID-19 community migration was first detected in the United States in February, with cases reported in all 50 states within a month.
By April 7, CDC researchers found that the cumulative incidence of COVID-19 had spread across U.S. jurisdictions (20.6 to 915.3 cases per 100,000 cases), with a 7-day increase in incidence of 8.3. To 418.0.
“The cumulative incidence of COVID-19 varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, ranging from 20.6 per 100,000 Minnesota to 915.3 in New York City,” the authors said. “Two thirds (66.7%) of all COVID-19 cases were reported from eight jurisdictions: NYC (76,876), New York (61,897), New Jersey (44,416), Michigan (18,970), Louisiana (16,284) ), California (15,865), Massachusetts (15,202), and Pennsylvania (14,559). “
Population density may play a role in the transmission rate of COVID-19 due to the high incidence of disease in New York, Washington DC, and Louisiana (Louisiana’s increase is related to the crowded Mardi Gras celebrations doing). The CDC also stated that mortality was likely to be related to the type of population affected. For example, in Washington, an early outbreak in a nursing home has spiked state mortality.
Johns Hopkins estimates need for PPE
Researchers from Health and safety center At Johns Hopkins University today, during a single COVID-19 wave for 100 days, the first estimates of the increasing need for various types of medical PPE beyond the normal baseline were announced. The model assumes that the waves occur during periods of strict social distance.
The authors stated that the country would require 136 million N95 masks, 360 million medical-grade masks, 668 million isolation gowns, and 7.8 billion gloves.
“In addition, given the widespread use of medical masks by the public, the number of masks needed could increase by more than 150 million per day (4.575 billion monthly) until vaccines become available. Yes, “the authors wrote.
New York sees a slight dip in death
Governor André Cuomo recorded an incredible weekly high for a week at a daily briefing, and today New York State reported 777 deaths. There are currently 170,512 cases and 7,844 deaths in New York.
by New York Times Trackers stand in the United States with a total of 483,600 cases and 17,947 deaths.
To Michigan, COVID-19 has the third highest number of cases, 22,783, including 1,281 deaths. Gretchen Whitmer Today announced a new addition to its current telecommuting obligation to prohibit travel between homes. The state ban is effective until May 1st.
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