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Face masks do not help hide emotions and facial expressions from children, revealing new research-Edexlive


According to a new study, the surge in facial coverings to check Covid-19 does not prevent children from understanding facial expressions.

According to a survey conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison, it is very easy to understand the emotions of those around you. Just include all the hints and they will be removed, intentionally or unintentionally. But when people cover some of their facial expressions, they get rid of some of those clues.

“We are now in a situation where adults and children must constantly interact with people whose faces are partially covered, and many adults suspect that it may be a problem for their children’s emotional development. I’m thinking, “says postdoctoral fellow Ashley Luba, a researcher at UW-Madison’s Child Emotion Lab.

Researchers have found that more than 80 children aged 7 to 13 have unobstructed, surgical masked, or sunglasses-faced faces that show sadness, anger, or fear. I showed a photo. The children were asked to assign emotions to each face from a list of six labels. How the face slowly reveals, the scrambled pixels of the original image fall into place over 14 stages, and real-world interactions need to splice things from strange angles or get a fleeting glimpse Was better simulated.

The children had a 66% chance of being correct about the uncovered face. This far exceeds the probability of guessing one correct emotion from six options (about 17%). By disturbing the masks, they had about 28% chance of sadness, 27% chance of getting angry, and 18% chance of correctly identifying fear.

“Of course, it was hard to have a part of the face covered, but even with a mask covering the nose and mouth, children identify these emotions faster than by chance. We were able to do that, “says Luba, who announced the results today. Journal PLOS ONE and co-author UW-Madison Psychology Professor Cesporak.

The changing results reflect differences in the way emotional information is conveyed by the face. Sunglasses make it difficult to identify anger and fear, suggesting that eyes and eyebrows are important for their facial expressions. Fear, often confused with surprise, was also the most difficult thing for children to find behind the mask-it has complex problems by covering clues like the characteristic mouth shape of surprise. There may be. : O

If a child can do better than guessing emotions with a mask, it may work even better in real-life situations.

“Emotions aren’t just conveyed by your face,” says Luba. “Voice intonation, how someone places their body, and all the other information about what’s happening around them, helps to make better predictions about what someone is feeling. “

It all becomes children growing up with their emotional abilities, even if some of their interactions with others occur through the face covering.

“I hope this calms my nerves,” says Luba. “Children are really resilient. They can adapt to the information given, and in this case wearing a mask does not seem to slow their development.”


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