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Here’s what polio vaccine developers are thinking about COVID-19:


Early reports from the COVID-19 vaccine trial funded by Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca are welcome news. We understand the importance of having millions of Americans, and ultimately billions of citizens around the world, vaccinated against these recently created coronaviruses.

But we all remember the horrifying story of rushing to get the polio vaccine.that is Paul MeyerA young statistician at Johns Hopkins in the 1950s, he studied the 1955 polio vaccine campaign and its effects.

Meyer, who died in 2011, chaired statistics at the University of Chicago and Columbia University. He was one of the first and most vocal supporters of the current gold standard, nearly ubiquitous randomized clinical trials for new drug and vaccination trials. He worked with mathematician Edward Kaplan, Kaplan-Meier estimator, It is still used to predict patient survival in medicine.

Elderly people get flu shot

(Photo: Tim Boyle / Getty Images)
Niles, Illinois-November 16: George Rodriguez, Illinois will be vaccinated against the flu before vaccination at the Main Town Hall in Niles, Illinois. The influenza vaccination program was organized by Advocate Lutheran General Hospital and was a reservation-based event.

How was the polio antidote born?

By the early 1950s 13,000-20,000 babies It remained crippled every year due to polio. There was overwhelming pressure on vaccination. In 1953, virologist Jonas Salk studied vaccines on the premise that he would develop antibodies that would protect the body from live poliovirus when given to the body a vaccine containing “killed” poliovirus. have started.

This trick was sufficient to inactivate the live virus so that it did not cause infection, but not enough to destroy its structure and stop antibody development. Soak’s vaccine was manufactured and tested in approximately 2 million children within two years.

After the biggest experiment in US history, involving about 1.8 million children Soak’s polio vaccine proved safe and successful In the mid-1950s. However, it took the United States more than 20 years to eradicate polio. According to the CDC, no polio outbreaks have been reported in the United States since 1979.

The federal government issued vaccine production permits to five pharmaceutical companies within three hours of this declaration. On April 13, 1955, political pressure led to the widespread development, distribution and inoculation of vaccines.

This is what Soak is saying about the actual status of COVID-19 vaccination.

The Jonas Salk Polio Vaccine has wiped out much of the world’s polio. This is what we expect more citizens to continue vaccination against the coronavirus. Soak warns that eradicating polio from the United States is a long and complex journey, and that eradicating COVID-19 is no easier.

Soak is a doctor at the University of Pittsburgh, where his father created the polio vaccine, and a part-time lecturer on infectious diseases. He also heads the Jonas Salk Legacy Foundation.

He said providing proper vaccination to citizens around the world would be a long journey. Soak points out that the COVID-19 virus is having a hard time respecting boundaries. According to him, the coronavirus spreads by plane anywhere in the world, and it continues to multiply and is of concern until the virus can be controlled anywhere.

Logistics aside, Soak said that vaccine repellent is another problem that continues to take time to resolve.

Around 46 percent of 1,000 voters According to a survey by the new USA TODAY / Suffolk University, they will receive shots as soon as possible. On the other hand, 32% claim to wait for someone to take a shot until they take the shot themselves.

But reluctance to vaccinate is not fresh for the United States, Soak said. According to a 1954 Gallup poll, when field trials began, only 53 percent of Americans felt that vaccination might be successful.

The United States is still far from eradicating COVID-19, but like previous polio, Soak is impressed and optimistic about the future with coronavirus vaccination.

Read again: Pfizer Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine Volunteers Share Trial Side Effects

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