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Where to buy online, prices, styles


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Walker Hayes wants to bring his “casual” style to fans and has teamed up with JCPenny to do just that. The Grammy-nominated artist and the clothing brand teamed up to create a limited-edition clothing collection that launched online on Saturday (May 4).



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Titled Walker Hayes for JCPenney, the exclusive clothing line infuses the “Fancy Like” singer’s simple yet trendy style at affordable prices to make it accessible to all fans. There are 25 styles to discover, including layered pieces and long-sleeved jackets as well as tees and linen bottoms for everyday.

Each piece will be available in sizes small to 4XLT and three lengths: short, regular and tall. Prices range from $20 to $89, but for a limited time you can get an extra 30% off during JCPenny's Friends & Family sale when you use the code. BESTIES at the register.

You can shop the collection at now and ShopBillboard has rounded up some of the best Hayes-approved styles below for you to add to your cart.

Walker Hayes wears camouflage jacket with white top

Men's Camouflage Twill Shirt Jacket

This camo jacket is ready to keep you comfortable while providing a casual style that can be paired with joggers or jeans. The fabric uses a twill material and has two front pockets for storing small essentials.

black hat with gray embroidery

Men's Trucker Hat with Duck Buck Logo

Complete your outfits with a simple trucker cap featuring the Hayes “duck buck” logo. The accessory can be worn rain or shine thanks to its moisture-wicking fabric made from 100% polyester for added comfort.

Hayes wears Buck graphic tee

Modern fit graphic t-shirt

Bring a statement logo to your t-shirt collection with this graphic tee. The design comes in a neutral navy hue to help the graphic really pop with a stretchy polyester and spandex blend that you won't want to take off.

model wearing khaki linen pants

Men's Classic Fit Linen Suit Trousers

These linen pants offer breathability and style thanks to a trendy khaki hue that's versatile enough to pair with tees or button-down shirts. The pants have a drawstring waist that you can tighten or loosen as you wish. Linen is lightweight and ideal for summer barbecues and beach outings.

model wearing denim jacket with green t-shirt

Light denim jacket

A denim jacket is a classic coat your wardrobe needs. Not only does the denim provide light coverage, but you can also wear it with a variety of looks – and the style comes with four pockets for storage options that don't sacrifice fashion.

Walker Hayes wears blue t-shirt with guitar

French Terry T-shirt for men

Need an everyday top? Hayes likes this navy T-shirt made from soft, stretchy French Terry fabric for a relaxed yet relaxed fit. You can wear it all year round thanks to its ability to be layered under jackets or worn alone. Think of it as a short-sleeved sweatshirt that will quickly become a wardrobe staple.

Hayes says he was excited to partner with the clothing brand because it allowed him to show off his own laid-back country style while creating something affordable and accessible for fans.

“From long nights on tour to family days that flow from day to night without slowing down, my personal style is classic and comfortable,” Hayes said in a press release. “When I started working on this collection with JCPenney, I wanted to make sure it reflected my personal style and was affordable for fans. Plus, I wanted guys like me to confidently choose what to wear no matter where they go, and I'm glad we were able to capture exactly that.

For more product recommendations, check out our roundups of the best deals on men's sneakers, men's shorts, and men's watches.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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