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Are Bessie Carter and Sam Phillips from Bridgerton secretly dating? The actor met his co-star's famous parents Imelda Staunton and Jim Carter – as pictures emerge of the 'couple' looking cozy at an event a year ago

Are Bessie Carter and Sam Phillips from Bridgerton secretly dating?  The actor met his co-star's famous parents Imelda Staunton and Jim Carter – as pictures emerge of the 'couple' looking cozy at an event a year ago


Bridgerton co-stars Bessie Carter and Sam Phillips have sparked romance rumors – after meeting in the show's third season.

Bessie, 30, stars as Prudence Featherington in the hit Netflix series, while Sam, 39, plays Nicola Coughlan's character, Penelope's new suitor, Lord Debling.

The couple have been photographed at several events with their family, including alongside Bessie's famous mother Imelda Staunton and her Downton Abbey father Jim Carter.

The farthest they were photographed was in May 2023, where they looked cozy at a theater event, suggesting they might have been together for quite a while.

And those on TikTok think they might be an item, with one content creator posting a recent video titled: “Bridgerton co-stars dating in real life.”

Bridgerton co-stars Bessie Carter and Sam Phillips have sparked romance rumors - after meeting in the show's third season (seen cozy in May 2023).

Bridgerton co-stars Bessie Carter and Sam Phillips have sparked romance rumors – after meeting in the show's third season (seen at ease in May 2023)

The couple have been photographed at several events with their family, including alongside Bessie's famous mother Imelda Staunton and her Downton Abbey father Jim Carter.

The couple have been photographed at several events with their family, including alongside Bessie's famous mother Imelda Staunton and her Downton Abbey father Jim Carter.

Bessie, 30, plays Prudence Featherington (left) in the hit Netflix series

Sam, 39, plays Nicola Coughlan, Penelope's new suitor, Lord Debling

Bessie, 30, stars as Prudence Featherington (left) in the hit Netflix series, while Sam, 39, plays Nicola Coughlan's character, Penelope's new suitor, Lord Debling.

Many were quick to comment on the rumors, with one saying: “Okayyy, the Featherington sisters pack the hottest ones!” »

Another said: “They are so cute!! ”, while a third wrote: “I love this so much! »

Reps for Bessie and Sam have been contacted by MailOnline for comment.

The two were first photographed together in May 2023 while attending the Theatrical Consequences: The 5th Annual Platform Presents West End gala after-party at Tequila Mockingbird in London.

Then, in November 2023, the couple attended the premiere of Wonka with famous Bessie actress Imelda, 68.

They posed as a trio with Imelda in the middle – suggesting Sam had been introduced to her side of the family some time before.

Then, in December 2023, Bessie, her famous father Jim, 75, accompanied Sam to The Crown season 6 finale celebration event.

He plays the Queen's squire Stephen Chambers in seasons 3 and 4 of Netflix's The Crown.

In December 2023, Bessie, her famous father Jim, 75, accompanied Sam to The Crown season 6 finale celebration.

In December 2023, Bessie, her famous father Jim, 75, accompanied Sam to The Crown season 6 finale celebration.

In November 2023, the couple attended the premiere of Wonka with Bessie's famous actress mother, Imelda, 68.

In November 2023, the couple attended the premiere of Wonka with famous Bessie actress Imelda, 68.

The couple were first photographed together in May 2023 while attending the Theatrical Consequences: The 5th Annual Platform Presents West End gala after-party at Tequila Mockingbird in London.

The couple were first photographed together in May 2023 while attending the Theatrical Consequences: The 5th Annual Platform Presents West End gala after-party at Tequila Mockingbird in London.

The Bridgertons Chronicles made their comeback last week.

And according to What's on Netflix the hit romance series is back and better than ever, as it racked up a shocking 45.1 million views in just four days after its global release on Netflix.

In its first four days, Bridgerton Season 3 Part 1 reportedly clocked 165.20 million hours watched, which equates to 45.10 million views.

Netflix described the first four days' views as “only the beginning” and teased more to come.

In a press release issued by them, they said: “Spring is here, which finally means its #Polin (not pollen) season. The first part of Shonda Rhimes' Bridgerton season 3 debuted at number one on the English TV channel list, accumulating 45.1 million views.

“The series, which stars Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, has been number one in 78 countries and reached the Top 10 in 92. And that's just the beginning.

“With part two set to release on June 13, who knows how high this wallflower will climb? PSA for the millions of fans who have withdrawn after a binge: find yourself a support group, put on some music, light a candle, and settle into something comfortable. More horse-drawn carriage style scenes you've been dreaming of will be here soon.

It comes after Nicolashowed off her crazy sense of style in a red satin dress with a dramatic hood as she continued the The Bridgerton Chronicles promotional route of the third series in Brazil Monday.

The 37-year-old actress joined her lover Luke, 31, for the screening at the Municipal Theater in Rio de Janeiro.

The couple star in the Netflix hit Bridgerton as Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton, with the third season following their journey from friends to lovers.

After fans tuned in to watch the first part of the series, which aired last week, Nicola opened up about the sex scene she felt most compelled to get right.

“The fans are excited little devils and they were constantly sending us pictures of cars and cars swinging,” she said.

“So it has to be beautiful and touching and romantic and sexy at the same time, which is a lot of things. In her mind, after the kiss, it's just that she's completely ruined everything and she's like, 'He's not will never love me. I like this. This is embarrassing, I'll move on.

“There’s no part of her, when he gets in that car, that thinks something like this is going to happen.”

The series' third season launched last Thursday morning, with eager fans settling in to devour the latest antics of the Regency-era romantics.

Madfest was criticized for its lack of steamy scenes in series two, with a measly three minutes of bedroom action in the middle of eight hours and 29 minutes of screen time.

Viewers can already expect more from the first four episodes of series three, with at least six minutes of kissing, sex, threesomes and lesbian love.

But after promising this season would be the steamiest yet, viewers have to wait until the final moments of part one for the central love story to really kick off.

The third series focuses on the willful flirtation between Penelope and Colin, but the plot of best friends realizing their true feelings proves to be a slow burn.

Sam and Bessie (right) are seen together at a Bridgerton promotional event in New York earlier this month.

Sam and Bessie (right) are seen together at a Bridgerton promotional event in New York earlier this month.

Those on TikTok think they might be an item, with one content creator posting a recent video titled:

Those on TikTok think they might be an item, with one content creator posting a recent video titled: “Bridgerton co-stars dating in real life.”

Bessie is seen with her parents Imelda and Jim in 2016

Bessie is seen with her parents Imelda and Jim in 2016

It ends on a steamy cliffhanger as after being unable to think of anyone else, Colin finally declares his love to Penelope in a carriage after she has her heart broken by Lord Debling.

The couple finally give in to their passions, with Colin lifting Penelope's dress in the back of the carriage for a very steamy finale, before part two is released on June 13.

While fans are asking for more, even the characters from the new series are missing.

Portia (Polly Walker) urges her daughters to get pregnant as questions swirl around their family fortune, and she is seen asking her daughters: “Should we tell a baker to bake?” leading to the Featherington sisters to compete in the bedroom to be the first to produce an heir.




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