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Coronavirus vaccine hunt may be horribly wrong


SScientists are competing to develop vaccine for New coronavirus,and Anti baxer Waiting with wings

COVID-19, a disease caused by the virus, kills hundreds of Americans every day. Innovio Pharmaceuticals became the second company in the US for Monday optimism Move vaccine candidates Following biotechnology company Moderna for clinical trials Clinical trial started in mid-March.

“Get [Moderna’s candidate] Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified before Congress last month.

Not surprisingly, the global movement of anti-vaccine and skeptics organizing under the banners of “selection” and “informed consent” has responded differently. In recent weeks, they have been alerting of rapid development. Larry Cook, One of Facebook’s top anti-vaccine activists, calls COVID-19 a “planned” use of the government to “encourage mandatory testing, tracking, and vaccination.” #ResistThePlan, he is urging his followers.

Activists like Cook have garnered considerable political power over the past decades, and scientists say their propaganda is the main reason America has seen Recent resurrection of measles. In 2019, the World Health Organization ranked “ vaccine hesitation ” as one of the top 10 threats to global health, and this year Gallup 84% found From 94% in 2001, Americans said that it was important for parents to vaccinate their children

Dr. Forch said the vaccine may be ready for distribution to the next public Less than a year and a half, The quote may prove, Also Optimistic. Usually vaccine clinical trials Take 10-15 Because vaccines are injected into healthy people, they need to pass a much higher safety bar than other drugs.

Urgently needed, public health leaders warn that moving too quickly could have disastrous consequences for vaccines, as well as for controlling COVID-19 more extensively. If a vaccine is released that does not perform well or has dangerous side effects, especially in the face of a historic pandemic, it will empower anti-vaccine activists to take advantage of other long-standing vaccines that have undergone rigorous and thorough testing. May reduce support.

“Vaccines have been properly introduced in the past and they may not be well measured,” said Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt Medical School. “And it has eroded vaccinology, vaccine acceptance, and government confidence.”

Rather than completely alleviate concerns, the Trump administration Dramatically reduced The role of science in federal policymaking over the past three years. The President has many powers to waive various safety standards, and the Food and Drug Administration’s so-called Emergency use permit“The federal government has incredible latitude to accelerate regulatory review,” said Dr. Jason Schwartz, an associate professor at Yale School of Public Health studying vaccine development.

Find a way Speed ​​up the process Dr. Schaffner said it was essentially no concern, but is a stated priority of the President. “Speeding things up doesn’t mean skipping. You can run a quarter mile faster,” he told The Daily Beast. “There are ways to do that, some are scientific and some are simply expensive.”


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