Legislature Oberdorf, Legislature Snyder, and Legislature Harrell discuss new COVID-19 variant, vaccine distribution on the Treasure Coast
At a press conference in Stuart on Saturday, Toby Oferdorf, John Wesley Snyder, Gale Harrell, and various counties and medical leaders in Martin and St. Lucie counties were in the public. Addressed to. Click on the Facebook video below. To see the entire press conference. One of the topics of discussion was a man in Martin County who tested positive for the new COVID-19 strain from the United Kingdom. On Saturday, medical leaders said the man was 23 years old and was not. Travel outside the state or country before being infected with a new strain of the virus. Medical personnel say he is asymptomatic and is expected to be okay. “He’s doing very well and isn’t isolated,” said Carol Ann Vitani, a health officer at the Florida Department of Health in Martin County. To protect your privacy, we cannot disclose information about where or where the man was. She discussed the new COVID-19 variant at a press conference on Saturday. “There is no evidence that these variants cause an increased risk of more serious illness or death, but evidence suggests that variant B-117 is more easily transmitted from person to person. The data show that the COVID-19 vaccine currently being distributed and administered covers this strain, “said Vitani. Treasure Coast-Wide Distribution Efforts During Saturday Press Conference State leaders also shared on Saturday that there are currently no reservations for new vaccines available to people over the age of 65. Martin County Or der in St. Lucie County. A total of about 5,000 vaccines were distributed to Martin and St. Lucie counties last week. “All schedules are met at this time, but we plan to receive more vaccinations in the coming days and weeks,” said Oberdorf, who states that state leaders and medical leaders are all 65 and older. Could not share a specific timeline for people and the general public to have access to the vaccine. “Vaccine availability is our number one priority and rapid administration. Whenever possible, it is our next priority,” said Vitani. “We know that St. Lucie and Martin counties have the ability to distribute it very quickly, but it depends on when everyone over the age of 65 administers it,” said Oberdorf. I hope you can tell me exactly when it will be. “” We will disperse as soon as we come in, “says Harrell.St. Lucy County currently has an online registration system for vaccination, but Martin County does not have one of them. But medical leaders say a new state-wide online registration system is imminent. “We were informed today that the state is working on a state-wide registration system to address many of these issues, but for the next few weeks we will be leveraging the resources we currently have, so all Please be patient, “said Robert Gluckman, Chief Executive Officer of Treasure Coast Primary Care, on Saturday. He hopes that new shipments of vaccines will arrive as soon as possible. “Currently, we have a waiting list of about 850 patients over the age of 65. We are vaccinated. At this time, we do not have enough supply to do so. Release the vaccine to Governor Ron DeSantis sooner. I want it, “Gluckman said. “There are two doses of this vaccine, and we are dealing with the Moderna vaccine, which requires the second dose to be given 28 days after the first vaccine.” Due to the recent countdown, to take the first dose There are additional people in, but there is enough supply for the first person to take a second dose. “I know this will happen. I hope this happens sooner.” Harrell says most manufacturers are responsible for the time when the next shipment of vaccines arrives in Florida. Oberdorf worked on the governor’s efforts to ensure higher doses of the vaccine. “State Senator Harrell, myself, and Senator Snyder are definitely in contact with the Governor’s office,” Oberdorf said. In fact, we’re doing everything we can to get more doses for Florida, and I know the Governor is working hard to do that, and they As soon as they are available, I am absolutely sure to receive them here in the include state. “We ask for your patience. We know this was very difficult,” said Vitani.
At a press conference in Stuart on Saturday, Toby Oberdorf, John Snyder, Gale Harrell, and various counties and medical leaders in Martin and St. Lucie counties were in the general public. Addressed to.
Click on the Facebook video below to see the entire press conference.
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One of the topics of discussion is A Martin County man tested positive for a new strain of COVID-19 from the United Kingdom..
On Saturday, medical leaders said the man was 23 years old and did not travel outside the state or country before being infected with a new strain of the virus. Medical personnel say he is asymptomatic and is expected to be okay.
“He’s doing very well and isn’t quarantined,” said Carol Ann Bitani, a health officer at the Florida Department of Health in Martin County.
To protect his privacy, Vitani says the health department cannot disclose information about where or where the man was.
She discussed the new COVID-19 variant at a press conference on Saturday.
“There is no evidence that these variants cause an increased risk of more serious illness or death, but evidence suggests that subspecies B-117 is more easily transmitted from person to person. The data show that the COVID-19 vaccine is currently being distributed. Administration covers this strain, “said Vitani.
Local leaders also discussed ongoing vaccine distribution efforts throughout the Treasure Coast at a press conference on Saturday.
State leaders also shared on Saturday that new vaccination appointments are currently unavailable to people over the age of 65 in Martin County or St. Lucie County.
A total of about 5,000 doses of the vaccine were distributed to Martin and St. Lucie counties last week.
“At this point, all schedules have been met, but we expect to receive more doses in the coming days and weeks,” said Oberdorf.
State leaders and medical leaders were unable to share a specific timeline as to when all people over the age of 65 and the general public would have access to the vaccine.
“Vaccine availability is our number one priority, and administration as quickly as possible is our next priority,” says Vitani. “We know that St. Lucie and Martin counties have the ability to distribute it very quickly, but it depends on when everyone over the age of 65 administers it,” said Oberdorf. there is.
“I would appreciate it if you could tell me exactly when it will be.”
“As soon as it comes in, it will disperse,” Harrell said.
St. Lucie County currently has an online registration system for vaccination, but Martin County does not have one of those systems.
But medical leaders say a new state-wide online registration system is imminent.
“We were informed today that the state is working on a state-wide registration system to address many of these issues, but for the next few weeks we will be leveraging the resources we currently have, so all Please be patient with others, “Vitani said.
Robert Gluckman, CEO of Treasure Coast Primary Care, also spoke on Saturday. He hopes that new shipments of vaccines will arrive as soon as possible.
“Currently, there is a waiting list of about 850 patients over the age of 65 waiting for vaccination. There is not enough supply to do so at this time. Governor Ron DeSantis will sooner or later give more vaccines. Please release. “This vaccine has two doses and is dealing with the DeSantis vaccine. The second dose should be given 28 days after the first dose.
“Since we’re counting down lately, we need to not only supply additional people to take the first dose, but also ensure that the first person takes enough to take the second dose.
“I know this will happen. I hope this happens sooner.”
Harrell says the manufacturer is primarily responsible when the next shipment of the vaccine arrives in Florida.
Oberdorf worked on the governor’s efforts to secure higher doses of the vaccine.
“Senator Harrell, myself, and Senator Snyder are definitely in contact with the Governor’s Office. In fact, we’re doing everything we can to get more doses for Florida. The Governor is absolutely confident that we will receive them here in the state as soon as they are available. “
“We ask for your patience. We know this is very challenging,” Vitani said.
click here When vaccination is available again, find out how you can schedule vaccination appointments.
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