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A large herd of NI poultry being eliminated due to fear of bird flu

A large herd of NI poultry being eliminated due to fear of bird flu
A large herd of NI poultry being eliminated due to fear of bird flu


The flock is reported to be as high as 30,000.

The department has also set up a temporary management zone around the site.

The advice from public health authorities is that the risk to public health of these bird flu strains is very low. The Food Standards Agency also advises that bird flu poses a very low food safety risk.

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< class="">< style="display:block;padding-top:70.5283%;"/>Eliminate herds as a precautionary measure
Eliminate herds as a precautionary measure

Dr. Robert Huey, Northern Ireland’s Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), is based on clinical signs and the first results provided by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), as well as recent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8. I made a decision. The total number of wild birds in Northern Ireland (NI).

To stop the spread of the virus and protect the poultry industry, temporary controlled areas will be introduced around the affected premises and birds on the premises will be humanely disposed of.

Dr. Huey said: Since then, samples have been taken and the first results from AFBI suggest that there is a noticeable avian influenza (AI). We are currently awaiting official confirmation from the National Reference Institute to determine pathogenic and diseased strains.

“Given the level of suspicion and the density of poultry populations around the farm, it is important that we act now and act swiftly as a precautionary measure, thus protecting the poultry industry and spreading the virus. We decided to eliminate birds and introduce temporary controlled areas around the farm to prevent the virus. Epidemiological studies to identify potential sources of infection and the risk of spreading the disease. Is in progress. “

To date, there have been eight positive cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N8 identified in five different locations in Northern Ireland (NI) wild birds. In addition to detection in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), it has recently been detected in wild birds, poultry and captive birds throughout the United Kingdom (GB).

The Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) was set up throughout Northern Ireland from 1 December to further strengthen biosecurity measures, and compulsory home orders were placed from 23 December.

Dr. Huey goes on to say: “The actions taken so far at NI have helped protect our commercial herds from wild birds. However, this suspicious invasion of informative AI will further spread AI in Northern Ireland. It reminds us that it is very important to be vigilant and take all necessary steps to prevent this. I have all bird breeders critically review their biosecurity measures and It encourages birds to be reminded that they are now legally required to be kept separately from wild birds or otherwise kept. “

A self-assessment tool is available on the DAERA website to help all bird breeders comply with the new rules.

Anyone suspected of having an animal affected by the disease must report by law.

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