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Malaria has become more violent in Africa due to drug-resistant strains

Malaria has become more violent in Africa due to drug-resistant strains
Malaria has become more violent in Africa due to drug-resistant strains


Researchers claim that new mutations that enhance resistance to drugs used to prevent malaria have been identified in the current arms race between malaria-inducing humans and parasites. ..

Studies reported in Nature The journal has shown that parasites can avoid treatment Artemisinin, A front-line drug for the prevention of illness.

WHO advances the fight against drug-resistant malaria in Cambodia

(Photo: Paula Bronstein / Getty Images)
Playmoncol, Cambodia-July 18: Yonta 6 is in the village of Playmoncol in Pailin Province, under a mosquito net dried by the rain of the monsoon on July 18, 2010, with sister Montra 3 and brother Rikena and 4 Take a break for a month. Part of the great success in combating malaria is due to the National Malaria Center (CNM) and WHO distributing long-lasting mosquito nets with pesticides embedded in the net, killing insects when in contact.

This is the first example of African scientists observing drug resistance to artemisinin. Researchers warn that this will pose a significant danger to continental public health.

Causes of malaria At least 400,000 people die annually -Mainly among toddlers in sub-Saharan Africa. Efforts to contain the disease remain hampered by the emergence of drug-resistant strains of malaria-causing parasites in the long-term global response.

Evolution of parasites

Scientists have warned in a journal article that Plasmodium has built resistance to previous drugs.

Experts also say that these parasites “are suspected of causing millions of additional malaria deaths in young African children in the 1980s.”

When chloroquine, the first drug for malaria, was created, experts believed that the epidemic would be eradicated within a few years.

Nevertheless, parasites have evolved since the 1950s to develop resistance to a series of drugs.

This is a very annoying and incredibly important time. Today is the failure of the fight against malaria.

Artemisinin resistance is not new as it has been active in Southeast Asia for over 10 years.

There, 80% of patients still suffer from malaria parasites that refuse care in certain areas.

Still, Africa remains the biggest problem, with more than 9 out of 10 cases of the disease occurring in Africa.

Instead of spreading from Southeast Asia to the continent, it seems to have become resistant to malaria parasites in Africa.

However, the effect remains the same. Managing malaria is becoming more complex.

A mixture of the two drugs artemisinin and piperakin is now widely used to combat malaria infections.

However, after that, Plasmodium began to develop resistance to artemisinin. First reported in Southeast Asia in 2008..

Scientists were afraid at the time that artemisinin resistance could also occur in Africa and have dire consequences.

Analysis shows that these concerns may have been achieved.

A science-approved counterattack method.malaria

In addition to simple strategies such as increasing people’s access to pesticide-equipped mosquito nets, This is What really makes a difference:

Expand the room for laboratory research

Improved surveillance to monitor the spread of resistant Plasmodium Utilize molecular and genomic methods Important for maintaining development. However, many sub-Saharan African countries do not yet have the tools, workers, funds, or facilities to effectively manage malaria sequencing.

Investors and partners again need to improve and develop additional resources. The African Human Genetics and Happiness (H3Africa) project, as in the United States, was established by the National Institutes of Health and the Wellcome Trust to develop continental capabilities. Funded by the African President’s Malaria Initiative Antimalarial Resistance Monitoring Network, which also encourages joint efforts around the world. The fund is supported by the Africa CDC and the African Academy of Sciences. Still, more is needed for sufficient laboratory capacity.

Create a cure for the next century

The non-profit R & D institution Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) and its research and pharmaceutical collaborators have established the largest antimalarial portfolio in history.Novartis, a Swiss healthcare company design The most advanced and modern antimalarial drug to treat parasites that are resistant to existing drugs. It is currently in clinical trials and aims to treat young children of 6 months. More children under the age of 5 are killed by malaria than any other age group. When it becomes available, the national malaria prophylaxis system must be equipped to integrate this potential new drug into their budget and care recommendations.

Allowing doctors and patients to use the drug safely

Clinicians do not administer the drug properly or take the full course as recommended by the patient, leading to the growth of drug-resistant malaria parasites. Efficient and stable prescribing and proper use need to be improved by policy makers and global health initiatives. For example, management science for health Promote malaria case management in Benin, Madagascar, Malawi and Nigeria. The industry teaches and reviews medical professionals on the use of national standards for the treatment of malaria.

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