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UK to drive COVID vaccination drive on mass vaccination sites | Coronavirus Pandemic News

UK to drive COVID vaccination drive on mass vaccination sites | Coronavirus Pandemic News


Seven centers will open on Monday as the UK government accelerates its efforts to tackle the epidemic virus.

The UK Government plans to open seven mass vaccination centers on Monday as part of its efforts to accelerate the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations that it wants to provide to all vulnerable people by mid-next month.

The country that first approved the vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca is currently immunizing about 200,000 people a day, Health Minister Matt Hancock said on Sunday.

According to government data, about 1.3 million people had been vaccinated twice as of January 3, but the UK has been vaccinated weekly to reach its goal of vaccination of people in nursing homes. It is necessary to inoculate 2 million people. Clinically vulnerable to existing conditions and health and social welfare workers by February 15 in the 1970s.

The UK is looking forward to rapid vaccinations to allow life to begin to return to some degree by spring in the Northern Hemisphere, despite working on a rapidly expanding pandemic.

In addition to the seven major centers, the UK is considering providing vaccinations to 1,000 clinics, 223 hospitals and 200 regional pharmacies, Nadim Zahawi, Vaccination Minister, said in a statement. It was. The military will also be deployed with the support of the National Health Service.

A 100-year-old Ellen Prosser, known as Nell, receives her first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine at a care home in London. The UK wants all caregiver residents, ages 70 and older, vulnerable people, and health care workers to be vaccinated by mid-February. [Kirsty O’Connor/Pool Photo via AP Photo]

“Working together day and night ensures that the vaccine is a weapon, not a shelf,” Zahavi said. “The British army uses technology born from decades of experience in getting things done in some of the toughest conditions you can imagine. They show the courage and brilliance they have shown in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Will bring to the coast of. “

Health Minister Matt Hancock will announce the COVID-19 vaccination program, the largest vaccination program in UK history, later on Monday.

“The UK vaccination program will be the cornerstone of a pandemic break, but we are all at home, following the rules and keeping our hands, face and space at the forefront while on the go. We must continue to play a role, and about, “he said in a statement.

About 81,567 people in the UK Died of COVID-19, The 5th highest official death toll in the world. More than 3 million people tested positive for the coronavirus.

The centers include the ExCel Exhibition Center in eastern London, the Epsom Racecourse west of the capital, and the 4,000-bed “Nightingale” field hospital in Manchester’s huge leisure center.

An ambulance outside the NHS Nightingale Hospital in the Excel Center in eastern London. It is also a hub for mass vaccination. [Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP]


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