Covid 19 Coronavirus: Ireland sees the world’s largest daily surge
Dublin, Ireland. The proliferation of new coronavirus cases is due to the lack of restrictions during Christmas. Photo / 123rf
The Irish Times calls Ireland “the worst pandemic hotspot in the world”. In a country of 4.9 million people, new Covids occur every day. 19 cases per million have reached levels above both the United Kingdom and the United States.
World-renowned epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding points out the dire situation in Ireland, stating that the virus is “epicly proliferating” and that British mutants are the main cause of the surge in cases Suggests.
Local media reports blame the lack of social distance requirements for Christmas holidays and the dramatic increase in infectious diseases.
AFP In Ireland, the number of new cases per day increased the most anywhere in the world on January 8th, with a 312% surge, or 5100 new cases per day.
Slovenia continues with more than 65%, or 1900. Portugal (65%, 6100); Argentina (52%, 10,900); Nigeria (52%, 1200).
Ireland’s numbers were the highest among the countries that registered more than 1000 cases a day in the past week. It had the lowest infection rates in Europe in November and December.
“Every country in the world is suffering from the most rapid increase in disease incidence,” Ireland’s head of emergency response, Mike Ryan, told reporters.
He said the surge in incidents was the result of an increase in social mix and a decrease in physical distance.
“The new mutant was not the driving force behind the new infection,” he said.
Irish TimesCiting the World Health Organization infectious disease epidemiologist Maria van Kerhob, reports that the country is experiencing “nearly vertical growth.”
“During the summer, transmissions dropped by single digits in most European countries,” Wankelhof said.
“And we lost the fight because we changed the mixing pattern from summer to autumn, especially Christmas and New Year holidays. The number of contacts between individuals and their families has increased significantly.”
Irish leader Micheál Martin defended the decision to open ahead of Christmas – decision critics say it led directly to Europe’s biggest wave.
“We are responsible, but we have always acted to respond effectively to the waves that have occurred,” he told NewsTalk Radio.
But his critics were stabbed.
Seán L’Estrange, a social scientist at the University of Dublin, said: Parents The decision was “reckless”.
“They ignored the evidence. Even Boris Johnson eventually made a U-turn and canceled Christmas in England, but the crowd here stabbed their ears. It was a weak and sentimental government. “He said.
WHO urged Irish residents to do everything possible to prevent further circulation of the virus, such as wearing masks, ensuring ventilation in crowded indoor spaces, and ensuring social distance. ..
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