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Ebola vaccine stockpile set up to combat future outbreaks


Dr. Jean-Jacques Muienbe Tamfan will be vaccinated against Ebola in Sesame on November 22, 2019. (Photo by PAMELA TULIZO / AFP)

Geneva — A global emergency stockpile of 500,000 Ebola vaccine doses will be created to respond quickly to future outbreaks, the vaccine alliance Gabi said Tuesday.

According to Gabi, low- and middle-income countries have free access to stockpiles and support for operational costs to deploy vaccination programs.

More than 300,000 people were vaccinated during the deadly virus outbreaks in North Kivu and Ituri in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, stopping the two-year crisis in June 2020.

“By creating a stockpile of 500,000 Ebola vaccines available in all countries, we can prevent loss of life and quickly end future Ebola outbreaks,” said Gavi’s CEO. Says Seth Berkley.

Dose is stored in Basel, Switzerland.

Based in Geneva, a public-private partnership, Gavi helps immunize half of the world’s children against some of the deadliest diseases on the planet.

Together with the World Health Organization, we are co-leading an effort to procure the Covid-19 vaccine by the end of the year and distribute it to 20% of the country’s population.

Development of the Ebola vaccine began in Guinea in December 2013 and has been accelerated following the worst epidemic in history that has spread to neighboring West African countries Liberia and Sierra Leone.

According to the WHO, which declared an epidemic in March 2016, the outbreak killed more than 11,300 people from approximately 29,000 registered cases.

The speeded-up vaccine process, including an agreement between Garvi and the manufacturer, “set a precedent for the rapid development and production of vaccines against Covid-19,” Berkeley said.

Stockpiling takes years

The average case fatality rate from Ebola is about 50%, but in some epidemics this can rise to 90%, WHO said.

Symptoms are severe: high fever and myalgia, followed by vomiting and diarrhea, skin rash, kidney and liver failure, internal and external bleeding.

The Ebola vaccine stockpile includes approvals from US and European regulators, as well as approved doses manufactured by WHO pre-qualified US pharmaceutical multinational Merck.

These deliveries are funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for $ 20 million.

A Gavi spokeswoman told AFP that it would take “years” to reach the goal of 500,000 people and that doses would need to be replenished over time.

In addition to Merck’s dose, other potential Ebola vaccines in the pipeline may eventually be included in the stockpile, subject to WHO pre-certification.

Ebola was first identified in 1976 after scientists investigated a series of unexplained deaths in what is now the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The virus that causes Ebola is thought to be present in bats.

In November, the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared the end of the latest Ebola outbreak in Equator, which killed 55 people in nearly six months.

The vaccine was given to more than 40,000 people and helped control the epidemic.

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