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Italian Open Tennis: Draw, dates, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, but where are Emma Raducanu and Andy Murray? | Tennis news

Italian Open Tennis: Draw, dates, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, but where are Emma Raducanu and Andy Murray?  |  Tennis news


Everything you need to know ahead of the Internazionali BNL d'Italia in Rome, including draws, dates, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Iga Swiatek, but where are Emma Raducanu and Andy Murray?

The third ATP Masters 1000 event of the season on clay will see the world's best players compete at the Masters 1000 tennis tournament, held at the iconic Foro Italico.

World champion Novak Djokovic returns to action in preparation for the French Open, with 'King of Clay' Rafael Nadal hoping to progress to Roland Garros at the tournament where he is a ten-time champion.

Djokovic opted to miss the Madrid Open and has played just one clay-court tournament in Monte Carlo, where he reached the semifinals.

Rome opened

Spaniard Nadal started his comeback on clay in Barcelona, ​​losing in the second round, and then played in Madrid, where he reached the last 16 before losing to Jiri Lehecka in an emotional farewell.

Iga Swiatek, Aryna Sabalenka, Coco Gauff, Elena Rybakina, former two-time champion Elina Svitolina, Naomi Osaka and Angelique Kerber make up a strong women's draw.

However, home favorite Jannik Sinner (hip), Carlos Alcaraz (forearm) and Britain's Raducanu and Murray will not compete in the Italian capital this year, but Murray has been practicing on clay as he continues his recovery from an ankle injury.

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Colin Fleming and Anne Keothavong debate whether Emma Raducanu should play French Open qualifying after her disappointing opening round loss at the Madrid Open

Raducanus current plans are to compete in Strasbourgbut she will also participate in qualifying for the French Open unless she receives a wildcard into the main draw.

The Italian Open draw will take place on Monday, May 6 at 12 noon.

When is the Italian Open?

Daniil Medvedev of Russia kisses the trophy after beating Denmark's Holger Rune during the final men's tennis match at the Italian Open tennis tournament in Rome, Italy, Sunday, May 21, 2023. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
Daniil Medvedev defeated Holger Rune to win the Italian Open last year

Qualifying starts on Monday, May 6, ahead of the main tournament on Wednesday, May 8.

The finals will be held on the weekend of May 18.

As with the Madrid Open, the 32 seeds receive a bye in the first round, allowing them to participate in the tournament in the second round.

The game starts at 10am UK time every day until Thursday 16 May when it starts at 12pm. There will be evening sessions starting at 6pm each day until finals weekend when play starts at 12pm on both days.

The Dunlop Fort Clay Court ball will be used during the tournament.

What is the schedule?

Qualification: Monday May 6 and Tuesday May 7

Main tournament: Wednesday May 8 – Sunday May 19

Singles final: Saturday May 18 not before 5 p.m. and Sunday May 19 not before 5 p.m.

Who are the British participating?

British players in Rome

Katie Boulter headlines the women's singles draw and is the only Brit to play in the main draw.

The British number 1 was narrowly defeated in three sets by 19-year-old American Robin Montgomery at the Madrid Open.

Boulter will look to string together a deep run in Rome ahead of her first main draw at Roland Garros in just a few weeks.

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Katie Boulter and Alex de Minaur head to the park to discuss the early stages of their relationship and how life has changed in the past year

On the men's side, Cameron Norrie is ready to play after a successful few weeks in Spain, having reached the quarter-finals of the ATP 500 event in Barcelona before reaching the third round at the Madrid Open.

Jack Draper will join Norrie in the main draw after recently reaching the quarter-finals at the BMW Open in Munich.

Dan Evans could also be ready for a return to the court after a calf injury forced him to miss the ATP 1000 event in Madrid.

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British number 1 Boulter reveals which five guests she would invite to dinner

Who are the defending champions?

Elena Rybakina of Kazakhstan poses with the championship trophy after defeating Anhelina Kalinina of Ukraine in the women's singles final on day thirteen of the Internazionali BNL D'Italia at Foro Italico on May 20, 2023 in Rome, Italy (Photo by Robert Prange/ Getty Images)
Elena Rybakina defends the women's singles title at Foro Italico

Daniil Medvedev won the 2023 singles title, his first trophy on clay, with a 7-5 7-5 victory against Holger Rune.

Elena Rybakina won the second WTA 1000 title of her career last year, beating Anhelina Kalinina in the final 6-4 1-0 ret. Kalinina retired in the final with a left thigh injury.

Where will the tournament take place?

Spectators fill the stands of the central court at the Rome Foro Italico center, Sunday, May 15, 2011, during the women's final of the Italian Open tennis tournament.  Maria Sharapova stormed to a 6-2, 6-4 victory over Sam Stosur in the Italian Open final on Sunday for the biggest clay-court title of her career.  (AP Photo/Riccardo De Luca)
The central court of the Foro Italico in Rome is one of the most iconic tennis venues

The tournament will once again be held at one of the largest sports complexes in the country: the Foro Italico.

Located in the heart of Rome, the stadium houses two iconic courts and can seat more than 10,500 spectators.

What's coming up on Sky Sports Tennis?

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Discover all the ways to watch tennis on Sky Sports, including the US Open, ATP and WTA tours

In the run-up to the second Grand Slam of 2024 – the French Open at Roland Garros from May 26 – you can see all the biggest tennis stars in action live on Sky Sports as they compete throughout the clay court season.

  • Geneva Open (ATP 250) – May 20-26
  • Lyon Open (ATP 250) – May 20-26
  • Strasbourg International (WTA 500 with Emma Raducanu in action) – May 20-2
  • Morocco Open (WTA 250) – May 20-26

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