Maine managed the spread of COVID-19 better than almost all states. not anymore.
After maintaining one of the lowest coronavirus infection rates in the United States since the outbreak of the pandemic 10 months ago, the new virus infection rate in Maine surpassed the other 12 states last week, making it even more difficult to reduce case levels. May become.
Main saw Record high of 823 new virus cases Reported on Friday, infectious diseases exceeded 800 for 3 consecutive days. The 7-day average for new cases is 627, an increase of more than 50% compared to a month ago. The 64 deaths recorded in the first two weeks of January are already the third deadly month of the pandemic.
The total number of cases and deaths since the outbreak of the pandemic remains at the lowest level in the country. However, 12 states and the District of Columbia had fewer new cases on a population-adjusted basis than last week’s Maine. New York Times, And the nature of the virus’s spread means that current levels can be exacerbated, as most Mainers are unlikely to be vaccinated for a few more months.
The number of cases has increased in Maine since mid-October, with more than 100 infections per day for the first time at the end of the month. Most counties have seen relapses at various points in the past few months, but have spread in urban areas and small towns.
New infections spread fairly evenly throughout the age group and outbreaks nursing home, workplace And school.. Governor Janet Mills has stepped up state mask mandates in response to the rise in December incidents, Refused to implement New business or social restrictions due to the proliferation of viruses.Maine limits Mainly consistent with other New England statesHowever, some states have stricter collection restrictions.
Record cases this week come after state health authorities Predict a surge after holidays This is due to the potential for infection due to increased travel and increased testing when returning from travel. After the holidays, Maine further tested the virus this month, with more than 82,000 tests performed during the week leading up to Friday. That’s about twice the level the state did in October.
However, the increase in cases remains a high test positive rate, falling below 1% in the fall and not exceeding 5, followed by a 7-day average of 5.6% as of Friday, so testing alone. Instead, it may reflect the spread of the virus. Percent until late December. Nirav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine, reiterated on Friday that holiday gatherings are likely to be the driving force behind the infection.
Boston University epidemiology professor Robert Horseberg said high case rates could make it difficult to curb the spread of vacations, as successful mitigation strategies in Maine early in the pandemic would be less effective. Stated.
“When people went out six months ago, they were unlikely to come across anyone who had it. Now that there are more people who have it, there’s a good chance.” Horsburgh said. “And the problem is that once it starts to grow that way, it’s very difficult to get it back.”
The main surge arises in the nationwide growth and new concerns that the spread of two more infectious strains could cause the virus to explode further. One of these variants that originated in the United Kingdom was confirmed to be in Connecticut last week.
Neither strain was detected, as not all positive Maine virus samples will be sent to the lab for testing for new strains on Friday, Mr. Shah said.
Last week, states with fewer new cases of the virus than Maine had relatively low cases throughout the pandemic, such as Vermont, Hawaii, and Oregon, and the worst outbreaks in the fall. Includes the states seen. However, it subsequently lowered the level of cases, such as in North Dakota, where 12.5% of the population was infected with the virus at some point.
Maine remains the third lowest case level in the United States since the beginning of the population-adjusted pandemic, with only Hawaii and Vermont performing better. Only these states and Alaska have lower per capita deaths than Maine.
“In the first place, there weren’t many infections in Maine, so it takes a long time for things to start,” said Horsburgh. “But if it works, it really shows up.”
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