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Studies reveal new insights into how UV radiation causes kidney inflammation in lupus patients

Studies reveal new insights into how UV radiation causes kidney inflammation in lupus patients


A new collaborative study between researchers at Dartmouth College of Medicine and the University of Washington (UW) Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Exposure of the skin to ultraviolet light (UV) reveals unexpected insights into how the clinical manifestations of autoimmune diseases such as lupus are exacerbated.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can cause inflammation of the joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain, heart, and lungs, when the immune system attacks its own tissues.

Previous studies have established that exposure to sunlight can cause both local skin inflammation and systemic flares, including kidney disease, in up to 80% of lupus patients. However, little is understood about the underlying mechanism that drives this process.

The research team investigated the role of neutrophils in defining how UV light causes kidney inflammation. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that is abundant in the body and is associated with skin and kidney tissue, acting as the first responder to all types of inflammation. Injuries to lupus patients.

In this study, researchers looked for markers of skin, blood, and kidney inflammation and damage at various points in mice after UV exposure. They were able to demonstrate that neutrophils not only penetrated the UV-exposed skin, but also dispersed throughout the circulatory system and migrated to the kidneys.

“Interestingly, one of these subsets of neutrophils, the more likely to be more injured, first went to UV-exposed skin and then turned to the kidneys. “Dr. Sladjana Skopelja-Gardner says. Geisel’s medical assistant professor who worked with UW’s Dr. Keith Elcon in the study. “It’s a bit unusual. We usually think of neutrophils as short-lived cells that zoom to an inflamed area and die there.”

Researchers have found that a single exposure of the skin to UV light stimulates the inflammatory and damaging processes of the kidney, including transient proteinuria, even in normal and healthy mice.

For clarity, normal and healthy mice do not suffer from the clinical form of kidney disease found in lupus patients. They get what we call asymptomatic injuries. That is, the process of inflammation and injury is taking place in the kidneys and is not visible in the pathology or the tissue itself. The mouse recovers and then rejuvenates. However, this asymptomatic injury has pathological consequences for the vulnerable situation of existing inflammation in lupus patients and can lead to redness of renal disease after exposure to sunlight. “

Sladjana Skopelja-Gardner, Ph.D. , Associate Professor, Geisel School of Medicine

Importantly, the inflammatory and injury markers detected in the kidneys of mice after UV exposure were very similar to those associated with more severe kidney injury in patients with sickness. In addition, exposure to UV light also triggered an immune response (type 1 interferon response) that is often expressed in most lupus patients, both on the skin and in the kidneys.

“Overall, our study shows that exposure of the skin to UV light is responsible for the inflammatory pathways associated with lupus, and neutrophils play an important role as pathogenic mediators in this process. I think it contributes to kidney damage, “says Skopelja-Gardner.


Journal reference:

Skopelja-Gardner, S. , et al. (2021) Acute skin exposure to UV light causes neutrophil-mediated kidney inflammation. PNAS.


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