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Fauci said the UK’s COVID-19 strain “may cause more damage,” and the United States tests the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Fauci said the UK’s COVID-19 strain “may cause more damage,” and the United States tests the effectiveness of the vaccine.


Doctor Anthony Fauci Said on sunday United Kingdom Mutant strain Coronavirus Seems more deadly, but what does this mean? vaccine The effectiveness is still unknown.

The British strain was widely reported to be a more contagious strain of coronavirus, but experts warned that it was not a more deadly variant.

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Now, the new data suggests that the variant is actually more deadly. This was discussed when Fauci appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will attend a press conference of the Coronavirus Task Force at the White House in Washington, DC, USA on Friday, April 10, 2020.Photographer: Kevin Dietsch / UPI / Bloomberg via Getty Images

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, will attend a press conference of the Coronavirus Task Force at the White House in Washington, DC, USA on Friday, April 10, 2020.Photographer: Kevin Dietsch / UPI / Bloomberg via Getty Images

“A British investigator scrutinized the mortality rate for a particular age group and found that it was a significant increase, with 1 in 1000 and 1.3 in 1,000 in a particular group. “Fauci told the host. Margaret Brennan.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a new variant on Friday It seems to be as toxic as 30%Based on the mortality rate of patients over 65 years of age.

UK strains have been detected in the United States and cases have been recorded in 22 states so far.

“We want to see the data ourselves, but there’s a good reason to believe it,” Forch said, referring to a UK healthcare professional. “We see this and track this very carefully as these things evolve.”

“We have to assume that what is predominantly distributed in the UK is what is called pathogenicity, that is, the power of the virus, which causes more damage, including death, has increased to some extent,” he added. ..

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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) predicts that it is a British variant due to its high contagiousness. Will be the dominant stock in the US by March..

Therefore, while many are concerned that current vaccination efforts may be wasted, Fauci warns that the impact on vaccine efficacy remains unclear. Fauci believes that even if it becomes less effective, its impact is minimal.

“Looking at the effects of the chain, this strain, a vaccine-induced antibody from the British strain in at least 20 states in the United States, seems to continue to protect against mutant strains,” Fauci explained. “It’s a tiny reduction, but the cushion of efficacy you have is so great that it doesn’t hurt.”

Instead, Fauci emphasized the importance of continuing to vaccinate as many people as possible, arguing that re-vaccination would help prevent further mutations in the virus from taking root.

In addition, Fauci called for increased investment in “genome surveillance.” This helps authorities determine if and when a new strain of coronavirus will invade the United States.

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South African strains have also been shown to reduce the effectiveness of some antibody treatments, raising some concerns.

So far, no cases of South African variants have been found in the United States.

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