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What you need to know about COVID-19 in British Columbia on January 27

What you need to know about COVID-19 in British Columbia on January 27



  • BC recorded 407 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 deaths on Tuesday.
  • There are currently 4,260 active cases of coronavirus in BC
  • 313 Man I am in the hospital and there are 71 people in the ICU.
  • BC detected 6 cases from the United Kingdom and 3 cases from South Africa.
  • The state will not receive a new dose of Pfizer or Motona vaccine next week.
  • To vaccinate as many vulnerable people as possible, the second dose of the vaccine is given 42 days after the first dose instead of 35 days.
  • 122,359 BC vaccines were given, of which 4,105 were the second.

British Columbia Health Authority Announces 407 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 more deaths on Tuesday.

In a written statement, state health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and health minister Adrian Dix have 313 inpatients, 71 of whom are in the intensive care unit.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 1,168 people have died from COVID-19 in BC.

Currently, there are 4,260 coronavirus activity cases in the state, and public health monitoring of 6,450 people across BC self-isolating for COVID-19 exposure. More than 58,352 people who tested positive recovered.

To date, 122,359 COVID-19 vaccines have been given in BC, of ​​which 4,105 are the second.

Henry said over the weekend that the state would receive updates on future shipments of the vaccine and that BC would not receive new doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over the next two weeks.

As a result of the deficiency, the second dose of vaccine is postponed until after 42 days instead of 35 days to protect more people.

The last update from the BC Center for Disease Control identified 6 variants that were first reported in the UK and 3 variants that were first seen in South Africa.

Henry said that all cases of variants from the United Kingdom were travel-related, but none of the first variants detected in South Africa were travel-related.

New travel measures are coming

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Pandemic measures for travel are coming Canadians need to cancel their travel plans.

Mr Trudeau said existing travel controls have been effective in keeping infections low, but more effort will be needed in the future.

“Obviously, the extreme lows aren’t zero yet, and there are too many cases to import, especially given the variants there,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau too Trying to reassure Canadians Vaccinations will continue to arrive even if the European Union threatens protective trade-oriented measures and restricts dose exports abroad.

He said this morning that Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel had guaranteed that the company would meet the promised deadlines — 230,400 doses are expected to arrive next week.

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What’s happening elsewhere in Canada

Canada was reporting as of 10 pm PST on Monday 757,448 cases of COVID-19, And a total of 19,238 deaths.

Canada’s COVID-19 Situational Aware Dashboard was not updated on Tuesday.

A total of 62,447 cases are considered active.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The common symptoms are:

  • heat.
  • cough.
  • Tired.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Loss of taste and smell.
  • headache.

However, more serious symptoms such as dyspnea and pneumonia can occur.

What should I do if I feel sick?

Use BC Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Self-assessment tool.. People with cold or flu symptoms are advised to have a test, even if it is mild. People with severe dyspnea, severe chest pain, difficulty waking up, or other extreme symptoms should call 911.

What can you do to protect yourself?

  • Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Keep them clean.
  • Keep away from sick people.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Wear a mask in indoor public spaces.
  • be careful Evolving travel recommendations In various areas.

For more detailed information about the outbreak, Federal website..

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