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Epidemiologist warns Covid-19 “Hurricane is coming”

Epidemiologist warns Covid-19 “Hurricane is coming”


Epidemiologist Michael Osterholm has issued a disastrous warning about the potential for new, more contagious ones to spread. COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears The variant states that the number of cases in the United States could surge to levels “not yet seen in this country.”

Dr. Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Diseases Research Policy at the University of Minnesota and a member of President Biden’s transition team, Coronavirus,Said Meet the press Host Chuck Todd predicts that cases of the new Covid-19 variant will surge “in the next 6-14 weeks.” As a result, the United States may need to make significant changes to its vaccine strategy, focusing on giving as many people as possible the first dose of the vaccine, rather than attempting a second dose of the vaccine. Said.

“We still want to give it twice to everyone, but for now, prior to this surge, once to as many people over the age of 65 as possible to reduce serious illness and death. I think it needs to be given, and it will happen in the coming weeks, “Osterholm said.

Osterholm is a more contagious strain of the virus that is sweeping Britain, B117 In your pocket It will be the dominant strain of the national virus in the United States. “If I see it happening that what I spent in trenches tells us to do so, we will see something that we haven’t seen in this country yet.” He said. “That hurricane is coming. We need to understand that we need to call audible sounds for this surge.”

Epidemiologists said that if there was a surge in new variants this spring, it would be worse than the previous surge. “We saw our healthcare system at the edge of being literally unable to provide care,” Osterholm said. “If it’s happened in the UK, imagine twice that case. That’s what we have to prepare now.”

But the tension from Britain has some good news. So far, the vaccine seems to be relatively effective in fighting B117. “Fortunately, it ’s [B117 strain] It does not show the ability to circumvent protection from vaccines. ” “But its ability to cause more infectious diseases and more serious illnesses is there.”

According to Osterholm, other variants, such as those found in South Africa and Brazil, “show other potential concerns as they can, in fact, lead to the avoidance of immune protection from natural illnesses and the like. I will. [the] vaccine. “But Osterholm pointed out in a Johnson & Johnson vaccine trial in South Africa that:” No one vaccinated with atypical infections died. Not only can it actually alleviate serious illnesses, but it can also completely prevent them. “

Osterholm emphasized that many know that they are feeling pandemic fatigue and financial tension. This has eased restrictions on activities such as indoor dining in some states. But with new strains of virus, Osterholm believes that their openings will soon reverse. “It’s likely to close as soon as a restaurant opens,” he said.

So how can you protect yourself? Osterholm recommended that you focus on the simple things you can do, such as wearing a fitting mask and wearing it properly. “One of the very important things for me is that it is worn by up to 25% of people. [their mask] Under their nose, “he said. “It’s like repairing three of the five doors of a submarine … we need people to start using these rights. That would be very helpful there.”

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