Up to 100,000 patients may have missed life-saving cancer treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy due to the Covid crisis
Up to 100,000 patients may have missed a life-saving cancer treatment due to a pandemic, which was revealed today.
Delays or cancellations of surgery or chemotherapy due to the coronavirus can lead to “tens of thousands of unwanted cancer deaths” in the United Kingdom.
During the first wave of the pandemic, many patients saw cancer surgery and treatment canceled or postponed.
At the end of last year, Health Minister Matt Hancock warned that cancer patients would face delays in treatment if the coronavirus pandemic was not suppressed.
Between April and August, about 21,700 fewer patients underwent cancer surgery than in the same month of 2019, according to the UK Public Health Service.
The NHS was able to catch up, but the second wave was a hit.
From April to November, the number of patients who started cancer treatment decreased by 17% in 2019. Daily mail report..
35,488 fewer patients started treatment.
From April to September last year, the number of patients diagnosed with cancer decreased by a quarter to 35,592.
And in January, an estimated 800 cancer surgeries were canceled in the first two weeks.
However, the NHS believes that the difference in treatment levels between 2019 and 2020 is much smaller than proposed.
“100,000 patients”
Professor Pat Price, now chairman of action radiation therapy and founder of the Catch Up With Cancer campaign, believes that Covid is a priority and life-threatening.
He told the newspaper: “The size of the cancer backlog produced by the first wave was of great concern.
“But as the second wave intensifies, the cancer backlog grows larger and the window of opportunity to tackle it is rapidly shifting.
“We can now face a backlog of nearly 100,000 Covid-induced cancers that can kill tens of thousands of unwanted cancers.”
He said it is possible to save both Covid and cancer patients.
He said the government “needs to be prepared to act with the same political energy, vision, and commitment to the untreated crisis of cancer that they are putting into Covid’s response and vaccination deployment.” Added.
Earlier this month, London-based clinician Claire Turnbull, a professor of cancer genetics at the Cancer Institute, said: Non-Covid illnesses had “incidental consequences.”
She explained how a 6-year-old child with cancer is eligible for treatment to cure their illness and give them a “perfect and normal life” by the age of 80.
However, if they wait for surgery, the tumor can recur in years or months and reach the end stage.
She states: “Simply put, the more patients you delay, the longer you have to delay and the more likely you are to move from the first category to the second category.”
Last week, the NHS chief announced his expectations for the hospital after it became clear that: Some trusts were considering canceling emergency cancer surgery due to further pressure caused by Covid-19..
The Health Service Journal (HSJ) reported that experts set the requirements in a joint letter.
The NHS Trust’s regional director said he must oversee regional plans to reschedule emergency cancer treatments.
The letter HSJ saw cites the experience of hospitals in eastern England and London who had to cancel cancer surgery this month.
An NHS spokesman said: A friendly drug with the majority of treatment underway, with more than 1.3 million people being tested and more than 200,000 starting treatment.
“Some people have chosen not to come forward for care during a pandemic, but our message is clear. People keep coming forward for regular screening or have worrisome symptoms. You need to check if it is. “
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