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Later early air pollution exposure associated with cognitive decline?This is what researchers say

Later early air pollution exposure associated with cognitive decline?This is what researchers say


Decline in cognitive thinking in late adulthood is considered one effect of early air pollution exposure. (((
Kevin Frayer / Getty Images

A recent study by a research team at the University of Edinburgh found that high exposure of children to air pollution leads to a decline in their cognitive abilities when they reach late adulthood around the age of 70. ..

What the research group discovered

Study from Journal of Alzheimer’s disease Early exposure to air pollution has been shown to affect the thinking skills of later generations. Researchers in Edinburgh surveyed 572 people as a population size.

Consisting of adults with an estimated age of approximately 70 years, this population underwent the Moray House Test to measure cognitive performance using a latent growth model and linear regression.

The above tests are essential to the study, as certain ages of 11, 70, 76, and 79 will determine how exposure to past air pollution has affected them. In addition, factors such as gender, social status, IQ at age 11, and smoking habits are also conducted in this study.

The EMEP4UK Atmospheric Chemistry transport model was used to model air pollution. This model focuses on measuring the concentration of particulate matter PM2.5 during the five periods from 1935 to the present (1935, 1950, 1970, 1980, 1990).

Although the results were not very widespread, according to researchers, they pointed out that early exposure to air pollution was associated with a decline in thinking ability of people later in life.

Dr. Tom Russ, director of the Alzheimer’s Scottish Dementia Research Center in Egibara, reported that this is the first time that findings on children’s exposure to air pollution will affect their brains decades later. News medical report. He added that the study would help avoid the risk of developing dementia as future generations grow.

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The Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 survey was the basis for an extension of the survey, and participants born in 1936 were the same respondents during the 1947 Scottish Psychiatric Survey.

Since 1999, researchers have been investigating the Lothian birth cohort to calculate a person’s cognitive abilities that change over time.

Early exposure to air pollution

In 2018, the World Health Organization reported that if a mother was exposed to air pollution during pregnancy, her child would be lighter and more likely to have a premature birth. The report found that polluted air resulted in neurodevelopmental and cognitive decline, which may be associated with childhood cancer and asthma. Later, more serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, can be obtained by children who are severely exposed to air pollution.

Most people know that polluted air can only be inhaled to the outside through gas from factories and smoke, but air pollution can also occur inside homes. Toddlers can ingest polluted air in the form of fuel used for cooking.

Keep children away from chemical sprays and smokers to avoid air pollution. When going to nearby locations, walking or biking is the best way to avoid further gas emissions.

In addition, parents should regularly clean their car before going to work or elsewhere to reduce pollution from fuel emissions. Also, don’t forget to save electricity so that the amount of greenhouse gases is low.

Related article: Is “Direct Air Recovery” the Best Carbon Capture Technology?

This article is owned by TechTimes

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