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COVID-19 Vaccine: Studies show that the Houston minority community lacks access to the vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine: Studies show that the Houston minority community lacks access to the vaccine


Houston, Texas (KTRK)-Some of the areas with the highest COVID-19 damage in the Houston area currently have the lowest reported vaccination rates.

“From the beginning, 77588 was high at COVID-19,” said Susie Molina, whose parents live in the Acres Homes zip code.

For almost 52 years, Lydia Rodriguez and her husband had an inseparable relationship. After that, COVID-19 was a hit.

Lydia was infected with the virus and died.

“I have to thank my dad for being okay,” Susie said. “We heard so many stories that both families died.”

The data prove that all stories like Susie are all too common.

Statistics on the number of zip code vaccination rates from the Houston Health Department are amazing.

In the map above, the orange region, which consists primarily of postal codes in northern, northeastern, and southeastern Houston, shows penetration of only 1-4% of vaccination coverage.

On the other hand, the black-colored area, which is shaped like an “arrow” extending from downtown to the memorial, has a much higher vaccination rate.

In the area near the Medical Center, the immunization rate is spectacular at 35%, while Berea and West University Place are hovering at around 20%.

“Surprisingly, there is plenty of clear evidence that there is health inequalities between zip codes,” said Dr. Joy Vachani, a pediatrician living in Berea. “Depending on the geographical location you are in, it is such access to health care issues.”

Within Berea, about 21% of the population is vaccinated. Not only does the area benefit from affluence, but it also benefits a large number of healthcare professionals living in areas where vaccines were available early.

Judge Lina Hidalgo County says the data show that the early vaccinated people were disproportionately white and Asian. She says some of it was due to the first vaccination of health care workers, but inequality is a continuing concern.

“Some of the county vaccines are sent to community health centers that serve only low-income residents. Some are sent to Harris Health Clinics, which also serve low-income areas. You can, “says Hidalgo. “We are working to build more sites throughout the county, which makes it easier for people to go to the site.”

However, introducing them into these communities remains a challenge until the supply of vaccines increases dramatically.

Track availability and progress of COVID-19 vaccine throughout Houston

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