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Global research reveals the major sacrifice of the first wave of COVID-19 in the treatment of liver cancer

Global research reveals the major sacrifice of the first wave of COVID-19 in the treatment of liver cancer
Global research reveals the major sacrifice of the first wave of COVID-19 in the treatment of liver cancer


Delayed screening programs, diagnostic imaging and biopsy, reductions in the number of doctors available to treat patients with liver cancer, cancellation of surgery, and reductions in the number of patients participating in clinical trials are just the problems reported in. It was a part. Polling.

76 global liver cancer outcomes in the Covid-19 (CERO-19) study led by the Barcelona Hospital Clinic, CIBEREH, and the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) Group at Ospedale Maggiore Polyclinic in Milan A mass cancer treatment center was included. Participated in the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic from March to June 2020 and found that 87% of the centers had changed for patient. These centers spanned Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia.

Globally, about 800,000 people are diagnosed with liver cancer each year and 700,000 die.

The findings, presented today at the European Association for the Study of Liver Disease (EASL) Digital Liver Cancer Summit 2021, revealed a catalog of diagnostic and care interruptions. A total of 40.8% of centers said they changed their diagnostic procedures, 80.9% changed their screening programs, and 39.5% changed imaging tests for staging or treatment response assessment.

Of the 76 centers surveyed, only 10 said they did not make any changes to clinical practice, and among those centers, patients were infected with COVID-19 despite the availability of services. He said he was hesitant to come to the hospital for fear of that.

Principal Investigator Dr. Sergio Munoz Martinez explains: “Our results reflect the impact of COVID-19 on screening, diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer patients worldwide during the first wave of the pandemic. Liver changes Cancer management due to this crisis , Increases the likelihood that more patients will be diagnosed with late-stage cancer. These delays affect diagnosis, identification of tumor progression, assignment of treatment, and ultimately prognosis. “

Previous studies have shown that worsening outcomes are associated with waiting for treatment or a two-month delay.

Liver oncology nurses have been shown to play a more central role in providing telephone consultations with patients and digitally transforming services. “The COVID-19 crisis has facilitated investment to reflect the growing role of nurses in liver oncology, as well as investment in education and counseling for patients and their families,” adds Dr. Muñoz-Martínez.

Dr. Muñoz-Martínez described an ongoing study of the effects of COVID-19 in patients with a history of liver cancer and in the following patients: Those diagnosed during SARS-CoV-2 infection identify the actual effects of COVID-19 and are most appropriate for future adoption during this pandemic or in the event of another public health crisis. It is essential to best inform you of the measures.

“Future analysis will provide valuable information on the clinical effectiveness of the strategies implemented during this catastrophic health crisis,” commented Dr. Muñoz-Martínez.

Liver cancer cells manipulate the stromal cells involved in fibrosis to promote tumor growth

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Provided by Spink Health

Quote: Liver cancer treatment obtained on February 5, 2021 from https: // by a global survey (February 2021) 5th) COVID-19 first wave big sacrifice revealed.html

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