A year after the first death of the coronavirus in the United States, more than 450,000 families will never see their loved ones again.
When Patricia Daud died last February, no one knew it was from Covid-19.
She was very active at the age of 57, her brother said. Daud had flu-like symptoms but was not tested for Covid-19. At that time it was scarce and limited..
On February 6, Daud died suddenly After her heart burst..
A few months later Tissue samples and tests Helped to confirm Her death was caused by Covid-19 -Mark the death of Covid-19, the first known in the United States.
Over the next year, more than 450,000 other families have suffered the shock and devastation of losing their loved ones with the coronavirus. Here are some of their stories:
Emergency doctor saved the life and mental health of a colleague
Dr. Frank Gabrin devoted his career as a two-time cancer survivor to saving others, even if that meant endangering his life.
In March, the coronavirus spread rapidly in the northeast, causing many doctors and nurses to Afraid to work with inadequate personal protective equipment..
Gabrin, who worked in New Jersey and New York, I told my friend that I was worried,Also. However, he continued to work, supported by his lifelong passion for helping others.
“I believe that caring for others should be the most emotionally rewarding job on the planet,” Gabrin said. Written on his website, He created many years ago To help emergency physicians and nurses deal with burnout..
He described his own fight with emotional exhaustion in the area of ​​high stress.
“I was the victim of compassionate fatigue. It was untreated and became a full-fledged professional burnout,” Gabrin wrote.
“I now believe that compassionate fatigue is a misnomer and the real name of this condition should be empathic overload,” Gabrin said.
“I also believe that compassionate fatigue and burnout do not need to occur. If they do, there is a clear path back to solid emotional health. I take all of us out of burnout. I believe I’ve found a way back soon. I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned with you. “
Over the years, Gabrin has written several books, including:Return from burnout: 7 Steps to Heal from Compassionate Fatigue and (Y) Rediscover Our Mental Care “and”Booster shot: An antidote to heal burnout and compassionate fatigue. “
His relentless care for the patient continued until late March, when Gabrin showed symptoms of Covid-19.
“It changed from manageable to unmanageable overnight,” said his friend Debra Vaselek Lions.
On March 31, she said Gabrin’s husband Arnold Burgas sought help. The doctor died in her husband’s arms before help came.
Gabrin is known as the first emergency physician to die of Covid-19 in the United States.
His death caused serious losses to both medical patients and colleagues. Written by Dr. Robert Suter, President of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Doctors.
“He was a brilliant example of selfless professionalism, an advocate of physician health, and an advocate of treating patients with compassion and empathy,” Suter said.
A couple who have been married for 71 years died every two days
Daniel Zane Second World War A veteran who crosses the field under enemy fire to provide first aid to fellow soldiers.
It was who he was, his family said: a man of immovable courage in the face of terrifying danger.
More than 70 years later, he faced another huge battle. This killed him two days after his wife died.
On April 17, Daniel Zane died of a Covid-19 complication, his family said. He was 94 years old.
Two days ago, his wife Valerie died at the age of 91. She suffered from Parkinson’s disease and dementia, but had not been tested for Covid-19.
Their love story began almost 75 years ago when they met on a blind date.
“This was love at first sight for him,” said his daughter Nancy Zane. Her dad said that when he met his future wife, his eyes popped out of his head.
But Valerie played it cool and made Daniel wait-she said she was busy for the next six weeks. Three years later, they got married.
On their last day, Daniel Zane lived in the same senior living facility in Pennsylvania as his wife in Pennsylvania. She was in a skilled nursing unit, but he was in an independent living unit because she needed more care.
As the pandemic intensified, he decided to move to his wife’s nursing unit to take care of his wife, his daughters said.
“It looked like another reflection of his commitment and courage,” said Nancy Zane. “He went without hesitation so that he could be with her.”
First responder kids “have had a great life in the last five years.”
Skylar Herbert’s parents devoted their careers to serving the people of Detroit.
According to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, her mother has been a Detroit police officer for 25 years and her father has been a firefighter at the Detroit Fire Department for 18 years.
“They are at the forefront and have served with honor and integrity,” Whitmer said. “And they didn’t deserve to lose their children with this virus. No one does.”
Skylar died on April 19 after using a ventilator for two weeks. CNN Affiliate WXYZ report. The hospital issued a statement saying, “It’s heartbreaking that COVID-19 killed a child.”
Skylar’s mother, La Vondria Herbert, said she was fine before her daughter got sick.
“She was friendly, affectionate, compassionate, and entertaining. She was just a happy five-year-old,” Herbert said. “You knew she had a great life in those five years.”
Skyler’s father said his sadness was “a painful feeling that he didn’t want other families to experience it.”
“The virus doesn’t care how old you are, what nationality you have, and what political preferences you have,” Ebby Herbert told WXYZ. “Skyler shines her light to tell the world that this can happen to any family.”
The day after Skyler’s death, another young civil servant died of Covid-19 complications.
Jay-Natalie La Santa He was the young daughter of a New York City firefighter and a school board employee.
She suffered from heart disease before spending a month in the hospital with Covid-19.
Jay Natalie, her father called herWarrior princess“Due to her fighting spirit, she died on April 20. She was five months old.
Refugees and meat packaging employees have never met her new grandson
For decades, Tinay has made tireless efforts to ensure that her children lead a better life.
She and her husband ran away from them Native MyanmarAlso known as Burma for Thai refugee camps. Their son and daughter were born in a refugee camp.
In 2007, the family boldly emigrated to the United States. Ai couldn’t speak English, but she found a job at a JBS meat packing plant in Greeley, Colorado, her daughter Suntwin said.
“It was a tough job, but I didn’t want to change jobs,” Twin said. “She relied on colleagues who speak the same language, and they would give her ride to work because she couldn’t drive.”
In March, Ray became ill. She was hospitalized on March 29, the day after her first grandson was born, and was ventilated.
Ray stayed on a ventilator on May 17 until he succumbed to the coronavirus. She was 60 years old. The new grandmother couldn’t see her grandson.
Ray Eighth JBS Greeley employee died in Covid-19, And the seventh worker from the factory.
Despite the hard work and challenges throughout her life, Ai was a woman who relentlessly helped others.
“I want people to know that she is very humble, sweet, and giver,” Twin said.
“When I saw homeless people hungry on the street, she fed them and didn’t eat. She loved to take care of people, especially her family.”
Boy loses parents on Covid-19
Raiden Gonzales had to do Celebrate his 5th birthday in November without his parents.. It will be the beginning of many birthdays without his father and mother.
Adan Gonzales Jr. died on June 26th at Covid-19. He was 33 years old.
Four months later, his widow, Maria Gonzalez, began to feel shortness of breath and chest pain.
“They came, did EKG, did other things, and they took her away,” said Mariah’s aunt Margie Bryant. “And we never saw her again.”
Maria Gonzalez died the next morning on October 6th. She was 29 years old.
According to Brian, the boy’s maternal grandmother, Rosie Salinas, took him.
Bryant held a dinosaur-themed drive-by-party on Raiden’s fifth birthday. She had two wishes on the boy’s special day: Raiden’s happiness and others taking the coronavirus seriously.
“I can’t say it enough … I know what it (coronavirus) did to us, and I feel the scars we feel, it’s in our hearts I know this little boy who doesn’t have the blank left, his mom and dad are now, “she said.
“You’re hearing about death, but not really about those left behind, and in this case it’s four years old.”
Two married teachers died holding hands
She was a sophomore bilingual teacher and team leader who taught at the same Texas school 20 years..
He was a PE teacher, mentor and coach who taught in before Young Men Leadership Academy At a nearby junior high school.
Rosemary Blackwell, 65, and Paul Blackwell, 62, shared their love of teaching to their four children and 20 grandchildren.
After 30 years of marriage, they died together on December 13th at Covid-19.
When they passed, they held each other’s hands and the children’s hands.
“Doctors said there was no progress at all and that important overall functions were gradually declining,” said his son Shawn Blackwell.
Two teachers in the Grand Prairie Independent School District spent weeks in the intensive care unit and days on ventilator.
“It’s so far away that we’ve reached the point where there’s nothing else they can do,” Shawn Blackwell said.
“I and my brother came to the conclusion that we would go peacefully together. They were holding hands together. My brother and I were holding the hands of our parents. So all four of us were each other. I was holding my hand. Both were removed from the ventilator. “
Shawn Blackwell said his parents worked until they got sick in December.
“I want people to know that I’m proud of what my mother and dad have done,” he said.
“They were the definition of the greatest parents and grandparents ever.”
Nine nuns died within three weeks of each other
The Sisters Motherhouse Campus in Adrian, Michigan, managed to be infected for nine months without any Covid-19 cases among residents.
It ended on December 20th and the first positive test was done. Since then, at least 48 of the 217 residents on campus have tested positive, Adrian Dominican Sisters said.
The outbreak claimed the lives of nine nuns. Died from January 11th to 26th.. Their age ranged from 79 to 97 years.
They served the community as teachers or nurses during their lifetime of religious service.
“We spent nine months keeping the coronavirus away. Just before Christmas, it slipped in,” said Sister Patricia Simen. CNN Affiliate WDIV..
“It’s numb,” she said. “I am deeply grateful to all the other families who have experienced this. Hundreds of thousands of families. And how sympathetic we can be until it touches you personally. I don’t care. When is it different? You were there and lost someone. “
CNN’s Sarah Moon, Alisha Ebrahimji, Nakia McNab, Alberto Spells, Teresa Waldrop, Ray Sanchez, Julia McDonnell Nieto del Rio, Hollie Silverman and Jamie McDonne have contributed to this report. Did.
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