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This is why we need ventilators and intubation to treat patients with coronavirus: COVID-19


San Francisco-Have you heard about the huge demand for ventilators to help infected patients? COVID-19. But why are they needed and how are they used? That is the question we raised Dr. Aloc Patel, Part of the ABC7 team of coronavirus experts.

Infection with the coronavirus causes COVID-19 disease. This is an acute respiratory illness that can cause lung dysfunction.

Your lungs take in the oxygen your body needs to run and expel the carbon dioxide you create.

When the coronavirus attacks cells that line the throat and lungs, it makes the lungs less functional.

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Intubation is required for patients who are unable to breathe themselves.

“Intubation is the process of actually inserting a breathing tube into someone’s mouth,” Dr. Patel said.

The tube is connected to one of the commonly heard ventilators.

“Intubation can either protect someone’s airways or secure their airways,” Dr. Patel said. “What do you intubate? When you intubate, there is a tube that goes into someone’s mouth. It enters the trachea and is called an endotracheal tube.”

Yeah, deep in my throat.

“This tube connects a mechanical ventilator that is a very complex and sophisticated machine,” Dr. Patel said.

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Only one patient gets on the team and connects to that ventilator. Doctors, nurses and respiratory therapists are all involved.

“They need to give the patient medicine to calm and relax their muscles before even thinking about putting a tube,” Dr. Patel said. “Consider it, if you were awake and someone was trying to put the tube under your throat, you would probably nause and pull it out.”

These ventilators take your breath for you and take over.

“Ventilators can control many different variables,” Dr. Patel said. “It can control the amount of air you are getting through the tube, which can control the rate of breathing you are getting.”

“You probably think this is really complicated now, and that’s why that’s why such a team needs to ventilate these patients effectively.”

Patients need constant surveillance. This is part of the reason why many hospitals are struggling to maintain staffing to meet the demands of coronavirus pandemics.

Intubation carries risks.

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“It’s everything from infections to the risk of not being able to breathe yourself when you pull the tube out,” said Patel.

What is the best way to avoid having to connect to an intubation or ventilator? Remember to follow the current shelter-in-place instructions, keep your distance and wash your hands.

Get the latest news, information, and videos about The new coronavirus pandemic here

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