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Scientists Develop Platforms to Advance Medical Research in Cancer

Scientists Develop Platforms to Advance Medical Research in Cancer
Scientists Develop Platforms to Advance Medical Research in Cancer


The new study, published in Genome Biology, features a new personalized platform developed by researchers at Cleveland Clinic to accelerate advanced research into genomic medicine and genomic information-based drug therapy for cancer mutations. Useful.

Known as My Personal Mutanome (MPM), this platform features an interactive database that provides insights into the role of disease-related mutations in cancer and the preferred mutations that may respond to drug therapy.

Dr. Feixiong Cheng, an assistant staff member at the Cleveland Clinic, said: “Advances in sequencing technology have provided a wealth of cancer genomic data, but lacked the ability to bridge the translation gap between large-scale genomic research and clinical decision-making. , And the lead author of the study.

“MPM is a powerful tool to help identify new functional mutations / genes, drug discovery targets, and biomarkers in cancer, thus accelerating advances in cancer precision medicine,” Dr. Chen added. I did.

Using clinical data, researchers have developed a comprehensive cancer mutation database that integrates approximately 500,000 mutations from more than 10,800 tumor exomes (protein coding parts of the genome) across 33 cancers. Did. The mutations are then systematically mapped to over 94,500 protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and over 311,000 functional protein sites (where proteins physically bind to each other) to provide data on patient survival and drug response. Built in.

The platform analyzes relationships between gene mutations, proteins, PPIs, protein functional sites, and drugs, making it easy for users to find clinically viable mutations. The MPM database features three interactive visualization tools that provide 2D and 3D views of disease-related mutations and their associated survival and drug responses.

The results of another study published in Nature Genetics, a collaboration between the Cleveland Clinic and several other institutions, have led the team to develop the platform.

Previous studies have linked disease etiology and progression to mutations / mutations that disrupt PPIs that affect human interactions, complex networks of proteins, and cell function. Mutations can disrupt the network by altering the normal functioning of proteins (node ​​effect) or by altering PPI (edge ​​effect).

In particular, a Nature Genetics study led by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that disease-related mutations were highly concentrated where PPIs occurred. They also showed that mutations that alter PPI were significantly correlated with drug susceptibility or resistance, as well as low survival in cancer patients.

In summary, MPM enables a better understanding of mutations at the human interactome network level, which leads to new insights in cancer genomics and treatment, ultimately achieving the goal of personalized cancer care. Useful for. The team updates the MPM annually to provide researchers and doctors with the most complete data available.

“Our Nature Genetics studies also show the effects of mutations / mutations in other diseases,” said Dr. Chen.

“The next step is to transform these genomic medicine discoveries into human genomic information-based and precision drug discovery for other complex diseases, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Chen. We are developing. “

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