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Neanderthal poop provides clues to the human microbiome

Neanderthal poop provides clues to the human microbiome


By Cara Murez

HealthDay Reporter

Tuesday, February 9, 2021 (HealthDay News)-What can poop from the ancient Neanderthals tell us?

It turns out that it holds valuable information about the present age health..

An international research group led by the University of Bologna in Italy analyzed ancient times DNA The oldest sample of fecal material available, a sample extracted from 50,000-year-old sedimented feces. They collected the problem in El Salt (Spain), where many Neanderthals lived.

Researchers have found that the Neanderthal gut flora contains some beneficial microorganisms that are also present in modern humans. Intestines..

Studies suggest that there is an ancestral component of the human microflora that lived in the gastrointestinal tract for a very long time (at least 700,000 years ago) when the separation of Homo sapiens and Neanderthals occurred.

In their analysis, researchers found many similarities between ancient and modern microbial fauna. A new scientific discipline known as paleomicrobiology has made this research possible. In this area, we are studying ancient microorganisms from archaeological sites through DNA sequencing.

“These results make it possible to understand which components of the human gut flora are essential to our health. They are also an integral part of our biology from an evolutionary perspective. That’s what research coordinator Marco Candela explained. He is a professor of pharmacy and biotechnology at the University of Bologna.

“Currently, the diversity of microbiota is gradually diminishing due to modern living conditions. The findings of this research group devise dietary and lifestyle-specific solutions to counter this phenomenon. It could guide us on, “Candela said in a college news release.

The gut flora is a collection of trillions of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism And Immune system, And protects you from pathogenic microorganisms.

Recent studies have shown that ingestion of processed foods, drug use, and living in a highly disinfected environment significantly reduce the microbial diversity of the gut flora, including the loss of microorganisms known as “old friends.” It has been shown that it can lead to.

According to Simone Rampelli, a researcher at the University of Bologna and lead author of the study, “The process of depletion of the intestinal flora in the modern western urban population can represent a significant call for awakening. This depletion process Is the loss of microbiota components essential to our physiology. ”


Worse signs of this include an increase in chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer.

“In today’s modernization scenario, where the diversity of the microbial flora is gradually diminishing, this information is tailored to the diet and lifestyle to protect the microbes that are the basis of our health,” said Candela. It may lead to an integration strategy. To this end, it promotes a lifestyle. What is sustainable for our intestinal microbes maintains a composition compatible with our biology. Most important because it helps. “

The study was published online in the journal on February 5th. Communication biology..

For more information

Johns Hopkins Medicine Suggests 5 ways to support gut health.

Source: University of Bologna, News Release, February 5, 2021

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