Hundreds of people are waiting to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine at Halifax pharmacies | Coronavirus
![Hundreds of people are waiting to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine at Halifax pharmacies | Coronavirus Hundreds of people are waiting to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine at Halifax pharmacies | Coronavirus](,694,701,294&resize=630,630&order=crop,resize)
![Halifax pharmacy]( 200w, 300w, 400w, 540w, 640w, 750w, 990w, 1035w, 1200w, 1333w, 1476w, 2008w)
Volunteer Sarah Reeves (right) notes her appointment with Brenda Jones to vaccinate the COVID-19 vaccine at the Halifax pharmacy on Tuesday morning. The pharmacy will administer the COVID-19 vaccine to those who made an appointment the previous week and will make an appointment the following week on Tuesday.
A A line of people waiting for an appointment to vaccinate the Halifax pharmacy building in South Boston on Tuesday morning.
Halifax pharmacy owner and pharmacist Steven Anderson began vaccination of those who booked last week while waiting for people outside the pharmacy to promise to vaccinate next week.
“I made 300 reservations today, next week,” Anderson said. “I only make reservations for vaccines I receive in-house, so if I make a reservation, I get the vaccine … I’m trying to get as many people as possible to register and give the vaccine to as many people as possible.”
This is the third week that Halifax Pharmacy has been vaccinated with the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. So far, Anderson said the pharmacy has given a total of 800 doses of the vaccine.
The vaccination appointment line on Tuesday was formed around 7am, but long wait times and cold, foggy weather discouraged those who decided to make the very popular COVID-19 vaccine appointment. It was.
“I’ve been waiting in line since 7:30, so it’s probably an hour and a half,” said Rev. Tim Jones, a pastor of the Anglican Church in Halifax, around 8:30 am. Told. I will wait longer to get the vaccine. Getting vaccinated is like a game changer. “
Jones said he is vaccinated not only to prevent infection with COVID-19, but also to maintain the safety and health of those around him.
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Halifax pharmacy medical technicians make an appointment outside the pharmacy on Tuesday morning for people waiting in line to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
“Because I work with people as a minister, I know that protection means a lot and my interactions are safer,” Jones explained.
Along with Jones, Halifax pharmacy patron Mike Haley was slowly but surely heading to the front line at 8:30 am after waiting in line for an hour to make an appointment. ..
“I think this process will get easier over time and no one will be in line,” says Haley.
He commented that, like many others, he plans to vaccinate to ensure “some kind of safety.”
He said there are still many unknowns about vaccines, but he wants to take the opportunity to get the virus rather than get it without it.
“This is an unexplored territory,” Haley said.
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People line up at 4121 Halifax Road outside the Halifax Pharmacy on Tuesday morning to wait for their turn to book a COVID-19 vaccination.
Alice Bennett, who is in another line, also said she was worried about vaccination, but when she received the drug at the Halifax pharmacy last week, she decided to ask about vaccination.
“I’m not sure, but I’m going to step on my faith,” Bennett said. “I thought it was time to do that (get the vaccine).”
At the age of 82, Natalie’s Jesse Lone said that vaccination with the COVID-19 vaccine meant a lot to him.
“It will keep me healthy,” Lone said when he waited patiently in line to make an appointment.
The age of the loan is eligible to promise to receive the vaccine at the Halifax pharmacy.
Anderson said anyone who meets the Virginia Department of Health’s vaccination eligibility criteria for Phase 1a or 1b can book vaccination.
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On Tuesday morning, people line up behind the Halifax pharmacy building and have the chance to book a COVID-19 vaccination. The line began to form at 7:30 am and was wrapped around the building by 8 am.
Phase 1a includes health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities.
Phase 1b includes frontline workers, people over the age of 65, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, people living in the game of migrant workers, and high-risk medical conditions or disorders that increase the risk of severe illness. People aged 16-64 with. From COVID-19.
According to Anderson, pharmacies do not have a waiting list of vaccines because VDH does not guarantee a fixed number of doses each week.
The area’s allocations from the Department of Health are spread over three counties: Halifax, Brunswick, and Mecklenberg.
Anderson said he was grateful for all the doses of the vaccine he received from VDH.
Not only is Anderson grateful for receiving the vaccine, but members of the community also seem to be giving him the opportunity to receive the vaccine.
Vivian Lipford of Halifax said the availability of the vaccine was a “blessing.” This is because so many people are trying to get the vaccine and some people in other areas are unable to get reservations or supply vaccines.
![Halifax pharmacy]( 200w, 300w, 400w, 540w, 640w, 750w, 990w, 1035w, 1200w, 1333w, 1476w, 2008w)
There is a long line behind the Halifax pharmacy for those interested in booking a COVID-19 vaccination around 8am.
“I have some underlying health condition, so I think it’s better to have it (vaccine),” Lipford added. “This is an additional security blanket.”
Reed Mosie in South Boston parked in Goodwill next to the pharmacy on Tuesday morning as the parking lot was full.
He shared the feelings of “excitement” and “relief” he experienced when thinking about getting the COVID-19 vaccine while waiting in line.
“Ultimately,” he said he had booked vaccinations because he “wants to return to normal life.”
“We haven’t done anything for a year. We can’t go with friends or go to social events,” Mosie said.
According to Anderson, the Halifax pharmacy vaccinates about 40 people a day with COVID-19, but on Tuesday it vaccinates 120 people thanks to a vaccination clinic with some staff from VCU pharmacy volunteers. Was inoculated.
Members of the Anderson community have stepped up to volunteering to help pharmacies book vaccines.
“I was surprised at how many people in the community volunteered,” Anderson said.
Those interested in booking a COVID-19 vaccination at the Halifax pharmacy can stop by the 4121 Halifax Road pharmacy on Tuesday morning or call the 434-575-0511 pharmacy.
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