The UK conducts the world’s first coronavirus “Human Challenge Trial” to infect healthy volunteers
![The UK conducts the world’s first coronavirus “Human Challenge Trial” to infect healthy volunteers The UK conducts the world’s first coronavirus “Human Challenge Trial” to infect healthy volunteers](
The government says it wants the vaccines to be evaluated quickly and compared directly at a later stage.
Infecting healthy people with a potentially deadly virus is controversial, even in a low-dose, controlled environment. And some people in Britain Rapid approval and deployment Of a very effective vaccine. As vaccination is called here, more than 15 million people in the UK have already received at least one “jab”.
Clive Dix, Head of the Vaccine Task Force in the United Kingdom, said: “We have a large number of safe and effective vaccines in the UK, but it is imperative to continue developing new vaccines and treatments for covid-19.
“We hope that these studies will provide unique insights into how the virus works and help us understand which promising vaccines offer the best chances of preventing infection. “
Robert Reed, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of Southampton, said the current vaccine is very good against most strains in circulation, but “it’s not really the last vaccine we use in the world. It may be. ” The Human Challenge Trial “has the potential to give us the potential to test new vaccines very quickly, which is the main purpose of this effort.”
Volunteers in the first study will receive approximately £ 4,500 ($ 6,243) for participation. This includes a 17-day quarantine at the Royal Free Hospital in northern London and a 12-month follow-up.
Health Research Authority President Terrence Stephenson said salaries are gradual and “proportional.” “The 17-day quarantine, which no family, friends, or relatives can visit, puts a considerable burden on young people,” he said. “In the first £ 1,500 of a 17-day, there’s something like £ 88 a day. I don’t think anyone feels this is a ridiculous coercion or incentive.”
“It was important to emphasize that the purpose of the first study was not to cause serious illness,” said Peter Openshaw, an immunologist at Imperial College London and a collaborator in the study.
“Sure, if you can show that the virus grows in your nose, that’s really the endpoint we’re looking for.
“We do not aim to get sick in any of the subjects, and we do that by increasing the dose very slowly.”
Andrew Catchpole, chief scientific officer of hVIVO, a clinical research organization recruiting volunteers, has “thousands” offered to participate, but has not yet been exposed to the virus in this study and can pass screening. He said he was looking for a recruit. A test to ensure that the study has the “healthy” volunteers.
When the test begins, volunteers are infected through droplets that erupt from the nose. Scientists have been using versions of the virus that have been prevalent since March last year, and are not using more infectious variants.
23-year-old Jacob Hopkins wants to take part in the exam and he is waiting for a reply about his background health check. “I’m not unaware of the real risks, but I’ve undergone rigorous pre-screening. For young, healthy and healthy people, the risks are negligible,” he said.
Hopkins said his biggest concern was the potential long-term consequences. “But that’s still not enough for me to change my mind. I want to help get this done as soon as possible.”
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