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The health unit is ready for the next round of COVID shots

The health unit is ready for the next round of COVID shots


So far, “COVID-19 vaccine is currently in high demand and in short supply.”

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Public Health Sudbury and Districts will receive COVID-19 vaccine shipments next week to start a new round of shots in the community.

Initial doses have already been provided to all residents of nursing homes and high-risk elderly homes in the area. The next round will be available to staff and critical caregivers associated with these facilities.

Health units are also working to provide vaccines to alternative-level care patients in hospitals that have been confirmed to be admitted to their homes, as well as healthcare professionals in the “top priority” category. Ministry of Public Health.

Next, healthcare professionals in the “very high priority” category are vaccinated with indigenous adults in high-risk areas.

Once residents, staff, and critical caregivers of long-term care and high-risk retirement homes are immunized, the vaccine will be applied to all retirement home residents, staff and caregivers, adults over 80 years of age, and chronic. Home care, “high priority” category healthcare professionals, and all indigenous adults will be available to recipients.


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“The more information we receive, the more timely updates will be provided to help groups of people now and in the future know when vaccines will be delivered and how to make reservations,” said the Health Unit. Said in the release.

“As an important tool in our toolbox, the COVID-19 vaccine is currently in high demand and in short supply,” said Healthcare Officer Penny Sutcliffe. “This means that vaccines need to be carefully assigned for those who are at greatest risk of serious illness or death, and for those who care for them.”

Sutcliff said the supply and demand problem “will be short-lived.” “But until more vaccines are available, we need to maximize the potential to save lives and protect the healthcare system. According to the state sequencing program, the COVID-19 vaccine will be offered to more groups. I’m looking forward to it even one month after it becomes available. “

Working with key regional partners, public health is implementing a step-by-step immunization approach outlined by the state.

Clinic planning is still underway, but vaccinations will be provided in environments such as local clinics and medical institutions.

Details of individual clinics will be shared with who can attend which clinic, along with how to book. All clinics are by appointment and you may be required to bring documents to confirm your qualifications, for example to confirm your employment as a qualified healthcare professional.


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“The planning efforts needed to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to the community are extensive, benefiting from cooperation, and a variety of health care, local governments, indigenous partners, etc. to ensure readiness. It relies heavily on cooperation from the sector, “said public health.

“To facilitate this work, public health has worked diligently with these partners throughout the service areas of Chapleau, Greater Sudbury, Lacroche Foot Hills, Manitoulin Island, and Sudbury East. Personal convenience. The number of vaccination clinic sites is limited because of the need to balance the desire for and the need for public health to adapt quickly to changing situations. “

The COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic “presents many unique requirements and challenges not faced in previous vaccination programs,” the agency said.

“For example, ensure that very specific transport and handling requirements for vaccines, security concerns, and infection prevention and control measures are in place to host clinics to keep people safe. You need to consider that. “

To date, 1,729 individuals have been vaccinated through all long-term care homes, one high-risk retirement home (Regent Manor), and six Elders Lodge vaccination clinics within the public health service area. I will.

Public health is currently in the orange category of the state’s color-coded COVID framework.


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“Everyone must continue to implement public health measures until widespread vaccination,” officials said. “These measures help limit the spread of COVID-19, including variants.”

Public Health Sudbury and Districts COVID-19 Vaccination Program Playbook ( Provides details about your local vaccination plan.

For a visual summary of the three phases of the public health immunization program, see the At-a-Glance program (see the At-a-Glance program)

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit: Alternatively, call Public Health Sudbury and Districts (705-522-9200 (toll free 1-866-522-9200)).

[email protected]


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