Pandemic and its impact on children
Build confidence in vaccines, address youth mental health crises, and bridge the digital divide during critical opportunities for children in the post-pandemic world-UNICEF
In an open letter on the reconsideration of the world after COVID-19, UNICEF’s Executive Secretary highlights five lessons from the pandemic.
Renewing global confidence in vaccines, addressing youth mental health and well-being challenges, combating discrimination, addressing climate change and bridging digital disparities are the greatest COVID-19 pandemics brought to the international community Opportunity UNICEF Secretary-General Henrietta Fore said in her annual open letter today.
In a letter released when UNICEF began its 75th anniversary global anniversary, Fore revisits a world that is better suited to children as the world continues to fight the pandemic. It outlines the need to seize the important opportunities presented to.
“As we celebrate UNICEF’s 75th anniversary, we remember that the organization was founded in the midst of another historic crisis after World War II,” Fore wrote. “At that time it would have been easy to be overwhelmed by the scale of the problems children are facing in a war-torn world. But we rethought what is possible. We are all over the world. We have built a new health and welfare system in. We have defeated smallpox and wild polio. We have created the United Nations. History is calling us again. “
Regarding vaccines, Fore warns that hesitation in vaccines will have a significant impact on our ability to overcome COVID-19. While working with governments, partners and donors to help procure, transport and deliver vaccines around the world, the public needs to build trust in vaccines in order to accept them. “Without trust, the vaccine is just an expensive vial in the doctor’s cabinet.”
Regarding mental health, Fore said COVID-19 raises concerns about mental health problems in children and adolescents, urging the international community to do more. “Countries will make appropriate investments in this issue to dramatically expand mental health services and support for young people in communities and schools, enabling children in vulnerable families to receive the support and protection they need at home. You need to build a childcare program for you, “she writes.
Fore points out how the global blockade exposed the inherent inequality of the digital divide when it comes to bridging the digital divide. At the peak of school closures in 2020, about 30% of school children worldwide did not have access to distance learning. Some of the same children are already unlikely to have access to quality education. This letter calls for rethinking education, breaking the digital divide, leveraging digital tools to reshape the image of education and leap into the future.
Finally, the letter points out how important this moment of opportunity is. “The international community must support a comprehensive recovery that prioritizes investment in children,” Fore wrote. “This year, UNICEF celebrates 75 years of rethinking the future of all children, so a new urgency as we create opportunities, ignite their dreams and support them in every part of their lives. Gather behind children and young people in the spirit of. “
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