Should Pregnant Women Vaccine COVID-19?Experts explain safety
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Carolyn Swenson, MD, an assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology and a member of obstetrics and gynecology. Preventive Medicine Review Committee..
Since the arrival of COVID-19 vaccineThere was confusion as to whether it was safe for pregnant women. Reason: Early clinical trials of the vaccine did not include pregnant or lactating women, so it was not possible to be sure that it would be safe to be vaccinated.
Reminders: Pregnant people are at increased risk of serious illness due to COVID-19 and also at increased risk of other adverse consequences such as preterm birth. according to To the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Recently Press conferenceAnthony Fauci, MD, a leading infectious disease expert in the United States, said clinical trials in pregnant women (and children) are underway and should give a clearer answer sooner. I did. And in the meantime, about 20,000 pregnant women were vaccinated “without warning signs” with the COVID-19 vaccine, Dr. Forch said.
These revelations are promising, but even if you are pregnant (or your loved one does), you may wonder if it is a good idea for a pregnant woman. Get vaccinated.. Here’s what you need to know:
How does the COVID-19 vaccine work?
Both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines Use a new technology called Messenger RNA, Or according to mRNA, which is a genetic material from the virus CDC.. (Note: it is not the virus itself, only the genetic code of the virus. The vaccine is Absent I get sick with COVID-19. )
mRNA teaches your body how to make spike proteins. New coronavirus Used to latch into human cells. When your body begins to excrete spike proteins, your system considers them foreign bodies and antibody Unique to coronavirus. Your body will eventually eliminate both proteins and mRNA, but the antibodies will attach and provide protection from COVID-19 in the event of future infection.
What do public health agencies say about COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy or lactation?
Things get confused here.Both American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) And that CDC It mainly states that pregnant and lactating women should be able to get the COVID-19 vaccine as needed. However, neither organization has actually come to recommend it. Pregnant woman Get vaccinated.
on the other hand, World Health Organization (WHO) The first woman advised Against Vaccination.But in late January, the organization Revised Recommendation, States as follows. “Based on what we know about this type of vaccine, there is no particular reason to believe that there are specific risks that outweigh the benefits of vaccination of pregnant women.”
Before vaccination ACOG Pregnant women are advised to consult their doctor about the following:
- Virus activity level in the community
- Potential efficacy of vaccines available to them
- Risk and potential severity of maternal illness, including the effects of illness on the fetal and newborn
- Vaccine safety for pregnant patients and foetation
However, the ACOG also states that conversations with doctors “should not be needed” as they can create “unnecessary barriers” to vaccination.
So is it safe for pregnant and lactating women to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
“Without the data obtained from pregnant and lactating individuals, it is difficult to explicitly recommend intervention,” he said. Emily S Mirror, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern Medicine.
However, based on previous studies, “there is no reason to think that pregnant women and their foets are at risk of receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.” William Schaffner, MD, An infectious disease expert and a professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. And he points out that studies on pregnant animals have not found a source of concern.
“Everything we know about vaccines shows that it should be safe,” says Dr. Schaffner. “The RNA contained in the vaccine does not go close to human DNA, neither in the mother nor in the foetation.”
Statements from public health organizations (such as the WHO) are cautious, but “everything seen by a woman who became pregnant during a clinical trial or was already pregnant and vaccinated is safe,” said an infectious disease expert. I am. Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Senior Scholar.
Public health authorities and organizations, including ACOG, explain that “they are doing their best to do what they have to do.” Michael Kakovic, MD, Physician of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. “They say,’I don’t have the data to make that recommendation,’ but that’s correct.”
At the same time, Dr. Kakovic points out that this type of vaccine is considered safer for pregnant women than other types of vaccines. “The COVID-19 mRNA vaccine does not contain live viruses. These types of vaccines are considered to be more compatible during pregnancy. Immune response By the host, “he explains.
In addition, pregnant women High risk of serious complications Vaccines from COVID-19 say it’s at least worth considering Joan Stone, MD, Director of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Mount Sinai Health System, New York. “Conversations with healthcare professionals may help make individual decisions, but the benefits seem to outweigh the risks,” she explains. “And it is important to inform women that there is a lack of data on the safety of vaccines for pregnant women.”
Conclusion: Pregnant women should consult their doctor about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Now that pregnant women are included in the vaccine trial, Dr. Kakovic said, “Continuous conversations with doctors have announced new announcements about the safety, efficacy and availability of vaccines during pregnancy. Information should be included. “
Dr. Adalja agrees. “I think this is a decision between the doctor and the patient,” he says. “But in most cases, pregnant women need to be vaccinated.”
This article is accurate at the time of press. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses rapidly and the scientific community gains a better understanding of the new coronavirus, some information may have changed since it was last updated. We aim to keep all our stories up to date, but be sure to visit the online resources provided by. CDC, WHO, And yours Local public health sector To keep up to date with the latest news. Always consult your doctor for professional medical advice.
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