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COVID NY Update: Long Island Residents Have the First COVID Variant Detected in South Africa

COVID NY Update: Long Island Residents Have the First COVID Variant Detected in South Africa
COVID NY Update: Long Island Residents Have the First COVID Variant Detected in South Africa


New York (WABC)-The more contagious COVID-19 mutant first identified in South Africa was first detected in New York residents.

Governor Andrew Cuomo announced an incident involving residents of Nassau County on Sunday morning.

“Nassau County’s case numbers and positive rates continue to decline, but we need to continue to make progress,” said Laura Curran, Nassau County executive. “I don’t think the South African variants are more deadly, but they can be highly contagious. The best response is to wear a mask, avoid social gatherings, stay away, stay home, or when sick. To continue the true preventive measures through trial and error, such as undergoing inspections. “”

She said Nassau County intends to vaccinate residents as soon as possible.

Cuomo shared that the state-wide positive rate is currently 2.99%, falling below 3% for the first time since November 23.

“The good news is that aggressiveness and hospitalizations continue to decline throughout the state, and this development can further open the valve for the economy,” Cuomo said. “But with the discovery of South African variants in the state, it’s more important than ever for New Yorkers to stay vigilant, wear masks, wash their hands, and stay socially distant. We are now competing between abilities. These variants that are trying to vaccinate and proliferate-and will only win the race if we are smart and disciplined. . “

Connecticut residents who were hospitalized in New York City last week It was determined that there is also a variant..

Meanwhile, the new vaccination site, which was scheduled to open in Queens on Sunday, has been postponed for the second time. Van Buren High School was scheduled to open in Queen’s Village, but Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that it would be delayed again due to supply shortages due to nationwide storms.

De Blasio visited the Redhook vaccination site on Sunday to encourage more older people to be prioritized. He said putting the vaccine in as many weapons as possible is a major goal for next week.

The next vaccine shipment will arrive on Monday.

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