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5 ways to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine with the help of Dr. Michael Mosley

5 ways to improve the effectiveness of the vaccine with the help of Dr. Michael Mosley


Dr. Michael Mosley, a television medic and creator of the 5: 2 diet, is hoping for a special birthday gift when he turns 64 next month. “At the age of 63, according to one of the online calculators, you need to be vaccinated in March,” he says. “If it came before my birthday in late March, it would be a special gift. It doesn’t matter which vaccine you have. A doctor, Jack, one of my 91-year-old mother and son. I’m glad I had both. “

Studies show The UK-approved Covid vaccine is very effective.. However, while the vast majority of people boost their immunity in the weeks following vaccination, Dr. Mosley says that simple lifestyle adjustments can improve the body’s response to vaccination. “The way the vaccine works is to warn the immune system in advance that a particular enemy is approaching,” he explains. “The vaccine tricks your body into producing antibodies and killer T cells against a harmless version of the virus. Your body will also release hell the next time you encounter a memory cell, the real virus. Create a cell factory tuned to.

“A properly functioning immune system ensures that a strong immune response is produced when vaccinated. The best defense against the virus is a fully active immune system. This is potentially An army of complex cells to identify and destroy dangerous intruders, but to do this effectively, the army needs to be in optimal condition for combat. As we grow older , Our immune system tends to be weakened and less effective. “

So what can you do to keep your body in good condition to help the vaccine do its job?

1. Take care of the intestines

One way to strengthen the immune system is to strengthen the microbiota, a microorganism that lives in the gut, says Dr. Mosley. “These microbes are the heart of our health, mood, better sleep, allergy prevention, and so far important is the center of immunity. In addition to the intestinal ability to help manage a healthy weight, the long term It is clear that we need to start from the inside for good health. “

One review of studies published in the journal Nutrients In 2017, we found that taking prebiotics and probiotics before vaccination almost doubled the number of people who subsequently developed protective-level antibodies.

One of the best ways to improve the “good” microbes that live in our gut is to eat a Mediterranean diet as its high fiber content supercharges your microbiota. “Mediterranean diets are widely recognized as the most nutritious diets on the planet, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, spices, olive oil, oily fish, cheese and full. “Fat yogurt,” says Dr. Mosley.

Other foods that are beneficial to our microbiome include live yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut or kimchi, and sourdough bread. Green tea, mushrooms, garlic, and citrus fruits are probiotic-rich foods that offer the additional benefit of vitamin C, which is also important for the immune system.

2. Monitor your alcohol intake

A common question among people seeking vaccination is whether they can drink before or after. According to the alcohol charity Drinkaware, there are no published data on the specific effects of alcohol on the body’s response to Covid-19 vaccination, but drinking, especially heavy regular drinking, can boost the body’s immunity. There is evidence that it can interfere. In response to the vaccine.

Dr. Fionasim, Chief Medical Advisor to the Charity, said: “We know that one-fifth to one-third of people have been drinking more than usual since the outbreak of the pandemic last year. Therefore, when it comes to alcohol, two before vaccination. It is advisable to consider not drinking alcohol for days and up to 2 weeks after vaccination to ensure that your immune system is optimal in responding to the vaccine and protecting you. But even if you do, it’s very important to know that you can benefit from drinking jabs. Don’t turn it down. “

“Alcohol affects immunity,” says Dr. Mosley. “And I try to drink within the recommended guidelines for 7 glasses of medium wine a week. I also follow the 5: 2 principle. Drink 5 nights a week, not 2 days.”

3. Exercise and move your arms

“A study from the University of Birmingham a few years ago showed that people who moved their arms for hours before being vaccinated against the flu showed a stronger immune response,” says Dr. Mosley. “I’m not sure why, but I’m planning to do push-ups and other push-ups before the jab next month.”

Overall fitness also helps. According to a study by the University of Saarland in Germany, elite athletes showed a more pronounced immune response to influenza jabs. Dr. Mosley advises to take a lot of short, lively walks before and after the jab. “One of the most effective ways to get the most boosted immunity is to do what’s called Active 10, which aims to do three 10-minute active walks a day. You can find more details by click here..

“The biggest benefit is that you can sometimes push yourself and increase your heart rate by doing a short burst of less than 20 seconds, whether walking, running, swimming or biking. Whatever exercise therapy you do, this It is important to do it properly and build up gradually. If you have heart problems or are not very active, check with your doctor first. “

4. Let’s sleep soundly

A study from the University of California last year found that healthy volunteers who slept the least the night before being vaccinated against the flu had the lowest levels of antibodies to the flu in the months that followed. “During sleep, the body produces many important elements of the immune system, such as antibodies and killer T cells,” explains Dr. Mosley. Dr. Mosley states that sleep effectively acts as an “internal handyman” that helps the body repair.

“Think of sleep as the body patching all the unfinished DIY work around the house, from the most important to the least important. For example, the pituitary gland secretes more growth hormone. By doing so, it helps cells grow and repair. If you don’t get enough of that restorative deep sleep, your body makes fewer hormones – proteins that regulate your immune system. Hormones help the body fight infections, so if you don’t get enough sleep, you can’t produce enough hormones. “

5. Relax – and stay in touch with your friends

Stress can affect vaccine response, according to a study by Janice Keelt Glazer, director of the Ohio State University Institute of Behavioral Medicine. In one study, Kiecolt-Glaser and her colleagues vaccinated medical students with hepatitis B. The most stressful students took the longest to build an antibody response.

Similarly, a 2006 study at the University of Pittsburgh found that those who described themselves as cheerful or relaxed were more likely to be vaccinated against hepatitis B than those who described themselves as nervous, tense, or angry. Showed a% higher antibody response. Also, in the elderly, the positive mood on the day of influenza vaccination is associated with a high antibody response to influenza.

For healthy recipes that support immunity, visit the following website:


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