Can a mother pass COVID-19 antibody to her baby?
![Can a mother pass COVID-19 antibody to her baby? Can a mother pass COVID-19 antibody to her baby?](
A study in a Pennsylvania hospital shows that babies are born with some protection from deadly viruses.
Tampa, Florida — It’s great to have some positive news about the virus, as there are so many horrifying unknowns surrounding COVID-19.
New research gives hope to babies entering the world during this pandemic. If their mother passes antibodies to them, they may have a layer of protection against COVID-19.
The· Studies in the Journal of the American Medical Association of Pediatrics Evidence has been found that women infected with COVID-19 during pregnancy may infect newborns with COVID antibodies.
The study examined babies born at the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia between April and August last year. During that time, more than 1,500 babies were born. Of those cases, 83 mothers were found to have COVID-19 antibody. Seventy-two babies tested positive for COVID-19 antibody via cord blood.
“When a mom is exposed, she produces antibodies, one of which is in the form of IgG, immunoglobulin G, which is passed on to the baby and we talk about other vaccines and disease prevention. It’s nice to see you repeat what you know. As far as we know, it protects your baby, “explained Dr. Premfort, a neonatologist at John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.
The study also found that people infected early in pregnancy transmitted more antibodies to their babies. This means that pregnant mothers were not included in clinical trials and development of the COVID-19 vaccine, which helps researchers decide when to vaccinate pregnant mothers.
The antibody found in babies is IgG, which is produced days after infection and is thought to provide long-term protection. It is necessary to study whether these antibodies can protect small ones from other rapidly spreading variants of COVID-19.
“African varieties seem to be very diverse [antibodies] Maybe it doesn’t protect you very much. Whether it will be the case with babies is an even bigger unknown, “Dr. Fort said.
He also says that this new information is consistent with what we know about other infectious diseases and vaccines. The antibody transfer process works like any other vaccine that women can receive during pregnancy. Blood carrying antibodies is filtered through the placenta into the baby.
The· CDC provides this information Whether Pregnant Mothers Should Be Vaccinated with COVID-19: The CDC and the Independent Advisory Committee on Immunization and Implementation (ACIP) help pregnant people make decisions about vaccination with COVID-19. Provides information.At this time, ACIP recommends the following: Specific group (For example, healthcare professionals, followed by other frontline essential workers) will be vaccinated during the first few months of the COVID-19 vaccination program. I’m pregnant Group recommended To receive the COVID-19 vaccine, you can choose vaccination. If you have questions about getting vaccinated, discussions with your healthcare provider can help you make informed decisions.
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